Is it normal for a manager to sexually harass female employees?

This probably sounds stupid, but this is my first job and I want to know what to expect when I leave.

I work in fast food, my sister helped me get the job but upon arriving I realized the manager there is kind of a pervert.

But, more than what I'd expect. He relentlessly makes sexual jokes about my sister and a few of our employees. They're all bordering or barely dipped into adulthood (17,18,19)

I know I should leave and report him but I always hear stories about this happening all the time and I feel like it's pointless and bound to happen.

I forgot to add, the guys in his 50s

Yes 4
No 22
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Jaystr

    Report the asswipe

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  • Rictictavie

    Yes,it happens. No, it's not normal and you should report him.

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  • IggyDatGirl

    Report him!

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  • RoseIsabella

    He's not normal, he's just a disgusting loser is what he is.

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  • XYXY

    No not normal and not acceptable. You should write a letter of complaint and you and all the other girls should sign it and send to his superiors. You don't say if there are any males working there appart from him, but if there are you could ask them if they would be prepared to write witness statements to send with the letter.

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    • No one else cares other than one person and she left. I've spoken to others about his behavior and they all laugh about it. One girl who didn't said he's well on his way to being sued but she doesn't actually care.

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  • Ellenna

    Report him but first talk to the other young women there: it will have more impact if you get together about this issue rather than you doing it alone without support.

    You could also join your union and get support there.

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    • Everyone else knows about it but no one says anything except one girl who apparently reported him when she left.

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      • Ellenna

        That's how that shit usually works: no one speaks up out of fear of losing their job and so it goes on and on and on. If you're not in a union, join one.

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  • lordofopinions

    He's a pervert and taking advantage. Report him!

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