Is it normal for a nine year old to possibly be anorexic ?

I am a nanny for a nine year old girl and over the course of 8-9 months have watched many things unfold.

Father died three years ago ( before I came on board as the nanny), Mother is a career mom ( who takes to bed quite often with illnesses ) and this girl has many other issues. She has exhibited quite often, coughing, headaches, lethargy, stomach aches etc. The school calls and insists she go home, she has issues with classmates.... this family makes me tired !

Is it possible to be anorexic at age nine ?

I am worried as mom ocassionally takes her to the doctor, but they never seem to get to the root of the problem.

Any advice ????? Much appreciated !!

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31% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • emilydoll

    Why would that be normal...

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  • noonebutme

    All I can say is the girl and probably the mother need some kind of help. If the mother chooses to ignore these things, it is neglect. You might consider talking to CPS or her school. You will probably lose your job but you might save a child.

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  • Avant-Garde

    She could be depressed. When depressed, the appetite often decreases and she seems to always be sick. She could have a illness that's compromising her appetite or metabolism. Please don't put a label on her until you actually know. Make her see a specialist. Also, it's normal for weight to fluctuate.

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  • alv1592

    I agree with the above comment; she probably needs to talk about her problems. Let her know you're there for her.

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  • Anime7

    It's possible that she is experiencing some physiological harm due to her father's passing and mom being bedridden. You should try to get her and her mom to talk about her problems. I know that stress can do overwhelming things to the body.

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    • thinkingaboutit

      its not physiological, its emotional distress.

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      • Anime7

        Emotional is physiological.

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        • thinkingaboutit

          you are mistaken.

          you may have meant to say psychological.

          renal failure = physiological

          mental anguish = psychological

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          • Anime7

            Oh wow, my mistake. I did mean to say psychological.

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            • cincynanny

              Thanks for clarifying the pysiological vs the psychological. I really think it is psychological too...

              One odd thing that I forgot to mention is she cut up her clothes and then asked me to stitch them so the Mom would not notice... and one day I walked in the room and she was running the scissors up and down her arm..... ( that struck me as VERY ODD and a little scary ! ) Mom didn't even flinch when I told her.. I think she is taking the "let me bury my head in the sand " approach.

              It consumes my every waking minute... But I can only do so much since I am the nanny.

              Are there any caregivers that have had similar situations?

              Thank you!

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