Is it normal for a no-meat diet to be just a diet?

I was thinking about it, liquitarianism is just a diet, it's just drinking drinks in the 5 "food" groups: almond milk and other nut milks, juices, water, herbal teas and vegetable broths, it involves 30-55 day juice fasts and water fasts. It's as simple as that, a liquitarian just drinks, "eats" nothing else.

The years ago when it took me 2 weeks to actually become a liquitarian, I was only liquitarian for a few weeks. Try it, and make sure you stay liquitarian, it ought to be just a diet, it's a healthy diet. 🙂

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Meowypowers

    It is pretty wild how diverse peoples diets need to be. So many people are allergic to so many things. Some foods can be healing to one, where that same thing can be a poison to another!

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  • charli.m

    What "food group" is portello in, hans?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Portello isn't in that group because it's a soft drink and liquitarians don't have soft drinks.

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      • charli.m

        You say you drink copious amounts of Portello.

        Those "food groups" you listed also aren't food groups, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Wow, just wow, my drinking of "copious" amounts of portello has nothing to do with this post, so to avoid careless logic, what I'm the only one aware of isn't that it's copious, that's an exaggeration, but that I avoided copious amounts of portello and I think you're misunderstanding something.

          It was copious in a non-existent past, and I controlled it, and something this is from my childhood knowledge, and another thing normal means regular, which means consistently, harmoniously and systematically I'm eating healthy and I do oftentimes though not very often, using Occam's razor, buy portello to drink with the associated potato crisps or baked goods, and it's not exclusively portello, it's also, on a regular basis, olde style lime.
          And as for those "food groups", another thing of your misunderstanding, it's a standard liquitarian yet simple list of items you can put in your mouth, soda pop isn't liquitarian, liquitarians only drink healthy drinks and when I really was a liquitarian I didn't drink portello.

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          • charli.m

            For two weeks you didn't drink liquid diabetes. Do you want a medal or something?

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  • Somenormie

    Ofc it's a diet.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes it's a diet, I'm just saying that liquitarianism is just a diet, unlike other vegetarian diets.

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