Is it normal for a parent to paper a toilet seat for an 11-year-old?
At a pro football game recently, in the stall next to mine I had a mother come in with her daughter (who she referred to as being in the 5th grade), select the exact toilet of the ones available, drop the seat (with a piece of toilet paper she took off the roll), and despite her daughter's complaints of "Oh Mom, do you really have to do this?" and "I'm ready to crap my pants!", the mom forced her daughter to wait while she pulled toilet paper off and placed it over the seat. I think she double lined it and a couple of the strips fell to the floor as the girl continued to complain, finally dropping her jeans and underwear, but still having to wait for the seat to be prepared. The process must have lasted three or four minutes and as I finished my crap I got to feeling so sorry for that girl and the unintended "message" her mom is giving her. I finished wiping and noticed I had used up the last of the toilet paper on my roll. Two or three users like that girl could easily use up much, if not a whole roll. I think parents at any age can be overbearing, and that mom was a good example. I've never thought twice about sitting on the seat and completing my bodily functions as fast as possible. I'm fortunate that my parents let me find my own way with things like this.