Is it normal for a pet's name to evolve?
My cat's name has evolved 5 steps beyond his original name. is it normal for pet's name to change constantly?
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My cat's name has evolved 5 steps beyond his original name. is it normal for pet's name to change constantly?
I had a cat named Cody. Over the course of a year or two, I began calling him Bistro and it stuck. Whenever I think of him, "Bistro" is the first name that comes to mind and I almost forget that his name was supposed to be "Cody".
I have another cat named Miss Kitty and I often call her Miss Titties. I call her that so often that I have to be reminded not to talk like that around my nieces and nephews.
Yea I think but not for my pets. They were called HONEY( when my brother1st brought her home,we had ran out of milk .so , my sis she fed her honey )n TUBBY( aft harry potter obsession).
I had a cat named Milo because he looked like the one from Milo and Otis. Eventually we started calling him Meatloaf. I have a cat named Toby who is called Toby, Tobias, Tobes, and Dumbass.
Lol me and my boyfriend has a dog called Riley but we also call him Mutley Harrington, rat or Riley Mush. lol Our cat has a load more names lol lol
LOL same here! I have a cat named Gracie, my brother started calling her Grey Goose and now my dad shortened it to just Goose. He yells "goooooose!" all the time and he even said it in front of the vet which was slightly embarassing. I have another cat who was originally named Baby but we started calling her Babs and Babooshka. My brother has two cats, the oldest is Mollie who he calls Moll-Moll, Mama and Moll Moose. The younger one was originally named Mr. President until he found out she was a girl, so now it's just President. But he still calls her "Misters" and the captain...idk where that one came from but it's cute lol
Totally! My dog's name evolved like twenty steps, and she had like four thousand nicknames. LOL... They're just so cute you want to keep namin' 'em!
Nicknames for my friends evolve. Theirs for me too. The dogs have had nicknames too. Tilly started as Tilly Trotter (a Catherine Cookson character) became Typhoon Tilly (because of her personality) then aTilly The Hun (when her personality had got even stronger), Tilly Tilly Bang Bang (when she went through a phase of breaking things), Trotsky (all the family dogs have been called Trotsky at some point because right back to my grandma's generation we've gone for a breed with a funny trotting gait). Finally it was Tills (or Till of the D'Urbervilles).