Is it normal for a petite woman to fear tall daughter?

I'm a 40 year old woman. I'm really tiny. 4'10 95 lbs. I have a son and daughter. My husband is big so my kids are also. My daughter is now 16 and in those teen years and I'm so intimidated by her. She's a foot taller, weighs 50 lbs more, is an athlete, and I feel I can't tell her anything. She's in those awkward years and when I want to get on her about home work or boys, she just cones and scares me with her size. I know my daughter would not hurt me but she easily could and it makes me nervous. She's just so much bigger and stronger. Is it nornal for a woman my size to be afraid of their much bigger teenage daughter?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I can certainly see how you could feel that way.
    It is your job to 'get on her about home work or boys', or at least try to guide her with your knowledge and experience, so don't avoid it because you are intimidated by her size. I would hope that your daughter respects you and your authority, so it never becomes a problem, but I would suggest you communicate your discomfort to your husband.
    Good luck.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Ask your husband to reinforce your concerns.

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  • White_Chocolate

    I think you should talk to her about her and make clear who you really are which is her MOTHER and you really shouldn't be afraid if you show her that you're not afraid of her she will stop trying to intimidate you.

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  • Ellenna

    Unless you're scared of everyone bigger than you (what about your husband if you have one?) I reckon there's something else going on here.

    Is her body or verbal language threatening?

    IF your relationship up to now has been based on her being intimidated by your superior size, maybe she's just getting her own back?

    I've seen this happen a lot and it always amazes me that parents who use physical force on their kids are astonished when the kids turn the tables when they're big enough. Not accusing you of this, just making a general comment.

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  • WhiteStallion

    You're her mother and you know it really is supposed to be the other way around. If she notices that you are intimidated she can take liberties with you which is not a good thing. It is difficult bringing up a teen girl, just keep calm and keep in mind her best interests. Its not right for the parent to fear her child.

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