Is it normal for a rape victim/survivior to not want to seek help

I was raped a few years & I've been debating on seeking out professional help Im just Nervous/afraid & Embarassed I just don't want to be labeled or judged I find it easier to speak behind a computer but as far as an up close & personal face to face conversation with someone about it just completely terrifies me Is this normal?
( I would really prefer if the responses come from people who've actually dealt with this problem because I believe that you can't give an accurate opnion or response unless you've been through it) If you have anything negative or disrespectful to say please keep those comments to yourself...

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88% Normal
Based on 56 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • bemah

    Hell yeah that's normal. I'd hate to admit this to anyone, but i know where your coming from. I'd only suggest seeking professional help if your experiences are really getting to you. Coz if they're not i don't think putting yourself through all that (telling someone) is going to help much. I've only told a few people, and they were friends. Looking back on it i can see that they weren't really equipped to deal with something like that, so maybe it's better to talk to someone who is trained. But I'm not you, i don't know what's best for you, but if talking helps, then go for it. If not, then I'm sure there must be other ways to regain confidence and control over your body. Like for me, painting helps, it's calming and meditative, but then of course it's not for everyone. Running and exercise sort of makes me feel stronger and in control, so that could work. But you have to be careful though because when people are trying to gain control over their bodies, it tends to put them in danger of things like eating disorders and self harm.. Wow, i must sound terrible, i don't mean to be so negative. Anyway, all the best, good luck if you go for counseling, and trust me if you're finding things hard, they will get better!

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  • Person45

    It's really entirely up to you. If it's disturbing you, then getting help may solve the problem and help you live a better life. If you want help, but are embarrassed, that's also normal. Rape is a very personal issue. However, anyone worth their salt in counseling or as a person will be understanding.

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  • Gamesrfun99

    I am a doctor i am a surgeon not a tharapist but the best thin for you is to seek help.

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  • Theadage

    Once you seek help, and let it out of the closet... then the true healing begins.

    You don't have to tell everyone, just tell someone you trust, someone you can confide in.

    How can you work on something under no lighting?

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  • babygirl<3

    I was raped last year and I haven't told anyone. I think professional help is only necessary if it really bothers you or it makes you hurt yourself either physically or mentally..

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  • Moonbow

    I've never been raped, but I had an aunt who was raped and she never sought help or went to counseling and she was one of the most well-adjusted people I've ever known. Not everyone who is raped needs help or counseling. Some people handle things better than others.

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  • SuperBenzid

    I feel similarly about molestation in my past. It was something I held onto for a long time and never told anyone outside of family. Then I decided to be more open about it and tell some people close to me, though I didn't feel any better to be honest so now I just keep it to myself. The past is the past, I think really the best thing is to deal with it as best you can and move on. I don't think of it as a secret anymore it's just an event in life that I can't see many positives to discussing. I guess I just wish sometimes that I knew about sex at 7 but you can't change the past.

    I do think that the fear you feel shows that there is some healing to be done. Whatever form that takes is up to you, remember that the rape doesn't reflect on you.

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