Is it normal for a straight girl to be sexually attracted to girls?
I have been wondering this for a while so I am really glad that I stumbled upon this website..
I am a straight girl. I think I am about.. 90% sure of that. I have had my share of boyfriends and loves. I had sex for the first time at 17, and I am currently 19.
So is it weird that sometimes I satisfy my sexual urges at home, while looking at images of women?
I know that everyone masturbates, but is it wrong to do it to women? I have a close friend who is absolutely beautiful, she has the perfect curves.. so I fantasize about her often.. but I dont think I could ever see myself in a relationship with her or any other women for that matter.
I've talked to her about things like, would she ever kiss a girl. She says yes, but only if she were drunk, yada yada. And she has said to me multiple times that she's "100% STRAIGHT".
So.. would even saying this make me bi-sexual? I've never seen myself that way.. I simply think the female body is a beautiful thing..
I believe that I am straight. But these fantasies are getting the better of me. If i look at a porn, I'm focused on the girl, not the guy.