Is it normal for a teen to prefer a 3rd party in politics?

1stly, a thanks to everyone who gave input on my last post. It gives me strength knowing that many others pulled themselves up from same pit.
But for this post, new story. I grew up in a centrist/conservative household, but now, with minimal influence, finding myself more of a Libertarian than a Republican. Is this natural?
Ps: not looking for trash comments, I ain't saying anyone's way is wrong. Just curious on this topic.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I wouldn't be surprised if you got trash comments haha.

    Yeah, I see what you mean, though. I have family that grew up in very conservative households that are now more "middle of the spectrum" and personally, I am the same way even though I wasn't raised in a particularly political household. Both of my parents were of very different party affiliations so I got to grow up hearing both sides of the argument on a regular basis and I came to the conclusion that both political philosophies were too extreme for me and both parties were of very flawed logic.

    Stay out of our bedrooms, but pay for our birth control, std testing, abortions and kids meals! Support the common, working individual by raising taxes on them for more government programs to help the common working individual! Says one side.
    Keep the government out of our lives, but intrude on issues such as marriage and feminine health! It's all about personal responsibility and people should sustain themselves without government assistance, let's make it OK to send all of the good paying jobs overseas! Says the other side.

    All a load of garbage. Neither philosophy worked for me. I don't blame you for wanting to go a different way. I'm not saying that both sides are wrong, but both of them are full of hypocrites that think they're saints and literally pull all of the same shit as people from the other side and then complain about the other side doing it and NO ONE SEEMS TO SEE IT. Two party system smh...

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    • q25t

      That second paragraph. That was...perfect.

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  • MissyLeyneous


    There's so much wrong with the government we have today that I would have to write a set of books to explain it all.

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  • dappled

    I started asking questions about politics from a really early age (I mean aged three or four) and I wanted to know what our three political parties stood for. I was told about the two ends of the spectrum and that the liberal party were in the middle. I asked at the time why nobody ever voted for the liberals as I didn't understand why we had to have extremist government.

    Although what was said to me was wildly oversimplified, it was - at its core - true. As an adult who has had the opportunity to vote (and thus really examine my conscience about who I would vote for), I still think the same way I did as when I was a little kid. Why be fair to one group and unfair to another when you can even it out and not favour anyone?

    P.S. I'm kind of the same as you in that I grew up in a Labour-voting (left wing) household and have voted Liberal in the last two elections. However, my decision to vote for the Liberals directly influenced the fact that my country is now governed by a coalition where the majority is conservative (right wing). While I support Liberal policy, I will never vote for them again at any point in my life.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Maybe because the other two parties are so one sided. We need some balance but people are too fucking hard headed to compromise and look past their own fat noses.

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  • DolphinAngel

    Well I live in Germany and have few knowledge about the American system concerning politics...

    We have like 10 parties we can vote for which makes easier to find a party with politics you agree with...

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I always thought it was weird that you only had two main parties in the US. Many democratic countries including my own have several strong parties form left to right and from conservative to liberal, and still I don't FULLY agree with any of them. I don't think any thinking person could honestly be completly one thing. Not following one of the two main opinions may not be normal but applaudable!

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Random trash comment.

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  • suckonthis9

    Not just for teens. I have always held Libertarian ideals, but I disagree with the party system and I have several issues with the U.S. Libertarian Party. Still, probably the best choice (for now).

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  • q25t

    I would probably say my family was farther right than yours, but I've done the same thing. And if you're in your late teens, at the same time.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Trash Comment.

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