Is it normal for a young girl to be afraid of male swim teachers?

When I was aged 5-7, I was afraid of male swim teachers. Not men, just male swim teachers. This was a very intense fear. I refused to take any swimming lessons taught by men. I have no memories of abuse, though I do have some inexplicable sexual issues. Was I a weird kid, or do you guys think I went through some sort of repressed childhood trauma?

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52% Normal
Based on 33 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I suspect you may have some repressed memories my dear, but I hope my suspicions are wrong of course.

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    It's normal dear,i also used to dislike male people. I am now still trying to get over that thing and starting to have many male's cool though.

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  • You fucking sexist bitch. Those poor swimming teachers being judged by a cunty little kid who should know better!

    Now what I actually think.
    Perhaps what Isabella said; repressed memories? Could of just been a random fear. I had a random fear of leeks when I was a child. Yes, the vegetable. No idea why but I would scream in fear whenever I seen one or someone picked them up, and I'm pretty sure I didn't have an uncle leek that touched me in the no, no places. Lol. :P

    Don't worry about it. Kids are weird, we were weird. Aslong as you don't have these issues now then don't worry about it. If you do have these issues then maybe you should see somebody about it.

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  • Avant-Garde

    No. It could have been a random fear, as others have mentioned. I had many random fears with no explanation, as a child. It could have been that someone you knew didn't like male swim teachers, for whatever reason, and that distrust/dislike got passed on and planted itself in your head. A similar thing happened, after some of my female relatives instilled "crazy and sexist" reasons for me to fear men, which later turned itself into a full blown phobia. Or, at the worst case, it could be due to repressed memories.

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  • Naughtygirl147

    I get creeped out by male teachers of any kind sometimes.Dont know why but I do

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  • Probsolver23

    That's kinda weird mate.
    But your not.
    It's your brain.
    All best wishes 4 da future. :-)

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  • Lonely2

    As a male swim teacher just kidding...but really as a male person, I often have to deal with women who fear me or men in general...its a very common fear because males are generally stronger than women and the media is always spouting crap about the latest serial kller or rapist running dont know how many times I was having a great time with a girl but she would flat out refuse to go anywhere alone with me like I was some psychopath or something...this has been drummed into every womens head througout her life that men are predators

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