Is it normal for americans to leave shopping carts all over the place?

Is it normal for Americans to leave shopping carts all about parking areas at a grocery store? How hard is it to walk just a little bitty bit to put the cart in its proper place. How hard is this?

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 33 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 85 )
  • charli.m

    Why do you assume it's just Americans?

    Arseholes do it here, too.

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    • anti-hero

      Not if you want your quarter back.

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      • charli.m

        Aldi has shit figured out.

        $2 here. Does that mean Aussies need higher incentive than 25c to return it?

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        • charli.m

          ....actually, I can see many Aussies not being arsed to take it back for the sake of 25c...

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          • anti-hero

            2 fuckiny dollars??? I guess they just go with the highest common coin.

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            • charli.m

              I think it's the size. That's our smallest coin. They sell keyring tokens you can use instead. I think they're $2. Gma got a few for 50c each, so she doesnt care so much if she loses them.

              Have you started going to Aldi instead of Ingles, yet? :P

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    • EccentricWeird

      Extraterrestrials from Arseholia.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Why is it you want to put those who earn a living collecting these carts out of a job?
    You must be a Republican, wanting to put the 'little people' out of work, but insuring they can't get government assistance for retraining, once you have.
    You are not a very nice person, are you?

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    • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

      In the grocery I werk at utility clerks have a lot more to do than push carts. At the end of the night there are always things left undone. I assure you, no one would be out of a job. If people made their jobs easier, by not taking the carts to the borders of the parking lot, thereby locking the wheels on the cart, then perhaps management can stop blaming them for not finishing the go-backs. Also, no one should be expected to work in the rain or hot sun for extended periods of time whilst earning minimum wage.

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      • Learned something from that I didn't know. I agree, its inhumane to make you do stupid work when all it takes is courteous people to put the cart back. Its so inefficient to have the carts scattered about. Mostly, I don't want my car to get a mark on it. I park far away for that reason. Sloppiness is disrespectful. Its clutter crappy. Such sloppiness reflects to the poor attitudes of the public in that area. This doesn't happen everywhere. These days, given that sort of job, no you shouldn't have to be in the rain or hot sun. Yes, your employer could easily afford to pay you more. Check out their revenue stream. Its dumb not to pay more. More $ in your pocket = more spending = economic growth that results in that retailer selling more product.

        I guess these discourteous people will have to be trained to put the carts back? Some kind of incentive strategy has to be devised. Aldi changes for use of the cart. You get your cart fee back when you put it back. If someone truly can't walk the cart back? Ask for service.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Considering the millions on this planet who don't have nor does it seem that they will ever get a job, to say that "no one should be expected to work in the rain or hot sun for extended periods of time whilst earning minimum wage" is just ridiculous. If somebody doesn't want a job,, or feels that it's just too much of an imposition, I suggest they quit that job and let someone who will appreciate the opportunity to work without complaint to have the job.
        Since when do those with no education or job skills get to bitch about a little rain or heat when they have ANY job?
        I hate it when someone accepts a job and then bitches about the work involved in doing that job. More effort and less bitching!

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        • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

          Apparently you've never worked retail for minimum wage. Everybody is happy to get the job until they do it. It's hard work for $9.00 an hour; $6 after taxes.

          What makes you think that everyone in a grocery store has no education? Half the people there are either working for a degree or they already have one. Myself included.

          I don't know what America you remember. Here, in 2015, in Los Angeles, earning minimum wage means you qualify for food stamps. So, no, working in the hot sun or in rain is not worth still needing government aid.

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          • Maybe he worked in the mine shafts of Bolivia when the Spanish conquistadors colonized South America? So, stop complaining, you're lazy. He's like okay with all that because you're better off. By golly, don't whip out an iPhone, he'll assume you're rich and lazy. I doubt it. I've seen the data. You're not kidding about the earnings stagnation across the USA.

            There is an exception. There's a huge oil fracking boom going on in North Dakota. That place is in the midst of an economic growth surge.

            Living costs in CA = expensive for anyone. I've seen the real estate prices.

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          • thegypsysailor

            You know, attitudes like yours about your work really piss me off. You knew what the job was before you took it or else you are an idiot for not finding out. Therefore, you accepted the position, thereby agreeing to do the work.
            If you can't survive on what you are being paid, once again a given fact BEFORE you accepted the job, then perhaps you should learn to live within your means, rather than spending more than you know you will make.
            Nobody's going to give me a handout if I want to spend more than my income, why should YOU receive one?

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            • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

              I don't see how me pissing you off is relevant to the discussion . . . I Kind of feel like taking a bow.

              Anyway, the job description did not include: tolerating condescending customers, constantly being blamed for things that aren't your fault, being berated by horrible customer for doing your job properly, helping capable but lazy customers who only ask for help because they know it bothers you, acknowledging that all your werk is exists because people are lazy, attaining an overall, lingering dissatisfaction with the status quo of human interpersonal communication. Is that worth $6 (net) an hour? I think not.

              Six dollars an hour at 30 hours a week gets you $180. That's $720 in four weeks. A typical studio apartment here in Los Angeles is about $550 a month. A single is about $800. My two bed room is $1200 but I only pay half. I only have about $20 a week of disposable income. I'm sorry but dealing with all the shit noted above is not worth having $20 more than mere survival.

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            • LOL, what next? This poor guy is part of the entitled generation? "Attitudes like yours"? I didn't see an attitude. He threw quality suggestions.

              "If you can't survive". Yes, continue promoting sink or swim here. Can you swim? How about I add some sharks to the water to raise the stakes? How will you perform? I'm raising this question as a thought, not to elicit an answer.

              Handouts? Hmmm, corporations net pretty generous handouts to pay each other big bonuses. You're not playing your cards right. I'm sure there's a subsidy you haven't tried to receive.

              Live within your means? Tell that to the Federal Gov't who operates this country's economy on a continuous debt cycle. That's really how it works. Its normal. It shouldn't be, but it is.

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        • Consider the millions on the entire planet? Its this guy's fault that those millions haven't discovered birth control? LOL Mmm, okay. I think this guy should play his variables to his favor. He already made good points that would help the retailer. Then, you figure your Mr. Crabbypants conventional "get off my lawn", "I walked 50 miles in the snow with no shoes", "that's the way its always been done", "I was beaten with a ten foot pole as a child to build by character" kind of life means that this guy ought to accept it. Ummm, nahhhhhh! Game changers come along and rewrite your notion of reality.The examples??? Where do I start? Apple vs. IBM. Digital music. Streaming media. Social media. Google. Whole Foods pays pretty good. There are conscientious companies out there. You're being backwards.

          What you say? Its not how the real world works. You're tossing comparative crap that's irrelevant to this person's situation. Not very creative of you. In the USA, its not really a meritocracy. Not that many people selflessly think of the suffering of others while accepting a crappy job. The world really works like the food chain. Biggest lion eats first. I can assure you that there's physically lazy people netting insanely lucrative deals without flitting an ounce of serious labor. Your silly idea is to accept convention because by golly, you're luckier than someone worse off than you. Not my cup of tea. Its not realistic. Individual situations throw in an assortment of X,Y,Z variables.

          It is true that in the real world, your idea is true with engineers. H1B Visas ring a bell? The USA is importing its cheaper labor from places like India instead of paying Americans a good salary. I suppose you support this race to the bottom? The cheapest? That practice creates Rust Belts in the USA. You would never see Rolex in Switzerland outsource manufacturing to China. Patagonia makes their goods here. New Balance makes their goods here.

          Competition is good. Ruthlessness is beneficial(against your competitor). Excellence is better. Loss of moral fortitude? Brings corporations future bad luck,unless they have the good fortune of scoring new markets. Being cheap isn't always a good long term business strategy. Hello, recession? Consumers stopped spending because they're broke. What should retailers do? Get even cheaper? LOL, no. You want a thriving middle class because they spend. Soooo, it makes sense to treat employees well. One example is the Container Store. The CEO Kip Tindell's business philosophy is conscious capitalism. Unlike the tradition of paying the cheapest, he pays his floor staff far more than average (its up near $40k-50k). Lets see, this motivates employee loyalty far better than being a cheapskate. Those well paid employees will be driven to see the company thrive. Employees are the face of a retailer's brand. It is a team effort. Teamwork is why the Japanese, aka Toyota, kicked American rear in the auto-manufacturing sector. Teamwork is something they excel at doing, its intrinsic to their culture (need a single book - read The Toyota Way - there's many - this has been studied extensively). Of course, to counter that, it could be said that Toyota stole all their ideas from Americans :-P. Hey, I like to see both sides here. Americans are innovators. Innovation is America's core competency. There's no reason that every business must copy WalMart or other Scrooge practices. Creating a broke America hurts business. Take a look. The earnings stagnation in the USA is making a dent on multiple industries, especially retail because consumers have less to spend.

          There's nothing wrong with him "bitching". He had good points that benefit both parties involved. Let's see, Toyota does this. Its called Kaizen. Its a business management philosophy that seeks continuous improvement. The aim is to have everyone in an organization make suggestions. They don't deny anyone a voice. The whole idea is that everyone on board is in the same boat working together. If the team benefits, each individual reaps rewards.

          Your idea to tell this guy to accept his little poo foo wage because somebody else will take less is so old fart conventional stupid. I know that even those at traditionally minimum wage jobs can net a higher hourly pay by NEGOTIATING. Some people see a problem and see themselves as the solution. They go and pitch a creative job position to a company, and get it. This guy could do that. But, I guess this never entered your head. He made good points that benefit himself, the retailer, and ultimately controls price + improves the quality of the shopping experience for the consumer. Its good for peace + prosperity.

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          • thegypsysailor

            So you are saying that this guy can accept a job for X dollars an hour, then has a perfect right to bitch and moan like a crybaby because he doesn't like the work and can't live within his means?
            Modern world or a thousand years ago, bullshit!

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            • Where did Armus "bitch and moan like a crybaby"?
              Where did Armus suggest wanting to bail out to the Bahamas on a handout?
              Get your eyes checked? Or your comprehension evaluated?

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    • Err, yeah, that's it discourteous shoppers are helping the 'little people' by their sheer lack of laziness. They're job creators. The shopper must be doing this on purpose. They must be famished from having waddled through a grocery store the size of a two football fields. LOL!

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      • thegypsysailor

        That was a joke, you cretin.

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        • Crabbypants, I know. Your joke was funny. Should I put stars and fine print for you to understand. Yes, you made a funny joke.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Next, he's going to suggest that we replace those poor, minimum wage earning common-folk with cart collecting super magnets and then bitch about them being too lazy to get jobs, hmph.

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      • Hugh*Janus

        "cart collecting super magnets", that is fucking hilarious.

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      • thegypsysailor

        When you accept a job, that is like a contract with your employer. He expects you to do the agreed job for X amount of money. Exactly what gives you the idea that once you have the job, you unilaterally have the right to change that contract?
        I just do not get it?
        You took that job, I assume knowing full well what would be required of you, for X amount of money. What's your beef?

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          My beef is that I was replaced by a mini-super magnet ;-;

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        • No no, contracts are never broken ever, ever. I think the American Revolutionary War was a broken contract. I recall the British taking advantage of the Americans with that Stamp Act thingy. By golly, them traitorous Americans should have tucked their tails and accepted King George as the almighty ruler by paying up forever.


          Contracts can be broken. They can be negotiated. Hell, the can be tossed too. They can be renegotiated. There are variables to each situation. It makes no sense for Armus to suck up and accept something not advantageous to Armus. Hello? There is a way to create a win win situation for both parties involved.

          I'm supporting Team Armus!

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      • An engineer somewhere is probably working on that.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          yep and since theys super magnets im also usin em to mri image all the shoppers so yall gits charged 6 grand to walk thru the fuckin parkin lot

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  • Dad

    The answer is to remove the shopping carts and larger and larger shopping carparks in prime locations (ie right next to the shops!) AND then do everything online and via delivery.

    You may not see it, but this is inevitable for the larger food chain stores.

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    • Everything online via delivery. Some places do this. Same day delivery too ex. Manhattan - Amazon

      How about having a drone deliver it all to your doorstep?

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      • Dad

        I think its inevitable.
        The carparks near shops are prime land, even just a few hundred feet squared could be worth half a million dollars.

        What I see is shops providing small wheeled baskets only, for larger amounts (say a cart full) that would have to be delivered (or picked up).
        The profit for this would way supersede what is currently in place. Trolley collection alone is generally a half million dollar service per year at each shopping complex.

        Oh and to answer others who say that leaving their cart anywhere keeps trolley/cart collectors in the job, its just not true. Trolley/Cart collectors must pick them up at many designated return areas and then push (at least 10 at a time) back in.

        If everyone placed the trolleys in the return trolley designated spots the collection business would continue as per normal. I find people (other than say parents who can't leave their kids alone) who do not wheel their trolley back to where the closest grouped area is, to be very lazy.

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    • Asstastics

      Your cost model sucks, buddy. It will always be cheaper for low income people to drive to the store to shop. That's why Aldi's system provides such a strong incentive to return each cart.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    In the area I live in, it's not just the grocery stores that have carts scattered all over. These carts are also in streets, fields, and messy front yards. You see, people push their groceries home on those carts and then discard them in the places I mentioned.
    The people on my town are such pigs.

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    • charli.m

      People do that here. I regularly have discussions with the kids about how these people are rude, lazy and inconsiderate.

      We also discuss the jerks who leave their rubbish all over the ground, too.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I dislike jerky people. There's trash all over the streets in my town. The wind blows that stuff onto my property and I'm stuck cleaning their mess sometimes.

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    • sillygirl77

      Do you live in the Ghetto?

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Pretty much. lol

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        • You live dangerously. :-)

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            That I do, Op. That I do. lol

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        • sillygirl77


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  • Couman

    As long as they provide card drop-off places around the lot most people will use them, but where these aren't available it gets really bad.

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  • smallboobies:(

    I work at Target and I see it all the time, it drives me crazy. I came out of work one day to see one of the carts hit my car because someone didn't put it where it belonged. -_- It left red paint on my car. I saw some lady literally let go of a cart and it rolled through the parking lot(fortunately not a lot of cars around) and hit and stop by the grass. Other times I'll be leaving work and see scattered carts and will actually put them back before I leave. It's damn annoying.

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  • Dot123

    It's also very American for those obese fatties to use the scooters.

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  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    I werk at a grocery store. Fuck yes, it is normal and fuck yes, it's fucking lazy. Those fucking lazy cunts.

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    • anti-hero

      You always seemed pretty intelligent. I have seen you type werk twice on this post... you know it's work right?

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      • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

        About a year ago I was really into a German electronic band called Kraftwerk. Nerdy as I am, I started spelling work as werk. Now if I misspell work my phone believes I am trying to write werk. Yup I was too preoccupied to correct myself earlier. . .

        And thanks for the compliment :)

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        • Kraftwerk, I know them. I love the Robots song. :-)

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        • anti-hero

          Just making sure. I have a friend who is reasonably bright, yet didn't know it was underwear not underware.

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    • Think of the insight you have gathered on human behavior, lol.

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      • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

        Indeed. As a writer, it has been so helpful. So, in a way I could label my job as a priceless experience that isn't worth the pay. I hope that doesn't seem too contradictory.

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  • reminiscent

    Yes sadly its normal

    And I freak in hate it so much! Its nit hard at all to put them away.
    I hate it when one is left right in a parking spot.
    if you do this I hope you and your children and your children's children step on legos for iternity

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  • regisphilbin

    At my local supermarket they pay a guy to always stand outside and gather all the shopping carts in one place.

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  • If engineers can invent an iRobot Roomba vacuum that zooms around a floor and returns to its recharging base, I want this technology for the shopping carts. How about that?

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    • Couman

      A full fleet of robotic shopping carts sounds expensive.

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      • Another solution? Create shopping cart scarcity :-) That way, all the shoppers will have an incentive to personally pick up any stray cart because they'll suddenly be in demand.

        This way, the shoppers will deal with each other. I hope they're more civilized when someone asks for the cart. It will create a lot of cart stalkers, lol. You know, "you finished with that cart yet"?

        This is cheap. Probably could work. I don't think WalMart (the US retail empire) would go for it. They have HUGE carts. They've done the research. The bigger the cart, the more likely a shopper is to try to fill the entire space. Its profitable.

        To be honest, where I am at WalMart rarely has carts all over the parking lot. This is more common at random grocery stores.

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  • They dont do this everywhere?

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  • Google turned up some complaining about this.

    Why Don't People Return Their Shopping Carts

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    yes the whole country is 40 feet deep in fuckin shoppin carts

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I'm sure it's not just Americans, but I certainly agree it is annoying. What's even worse is when people leave them all over the store. Trying to run merchandise only to turn around and trip over someone's buggy only because they were too fucking lazy to roll back to where it belongs is never enjoyable.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Normally I put my cart back. But sometimes I have been lazy and left it off to the side when it was pouring and the little thing was on the other side of the lot.

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  • 213

    Where you from.?

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