Is it normal for an adult to want to write a fanfiction?

i'm an adult. I'm in my 30's. And i found something, an animated movie, that ive kind of latched onto.

I've been wanting to write a fanfiction about this movie. because i have this idea in my head of why some of the characters were exhiled.

However. i feel like its...weird that, as an adult, i want to "waste my time" writing fanfiction over fictional characters....

i feel like i should be doing something productive...but ever since i turned 30 i feel like i should grow out of the things i want to do that seem childish and do something or some dumb shit. Ive gotten really hyper critical of my age and what society thinks i should be doing with my time.

is it normal that an adult writes fanfiction?

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93% Normal
Based on 14 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • mayumayu

    I don't think it's a waste of time, it's just a hobby. It makes you happy and it isn't harmful - if anything, it does you good to flex those creative muscles!

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Nothing wrong with it. I write fanfiction about my celebrity crush.

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  • thepuppet

    nothing wrong with adults writing fanfiction

    there are lots of different types of fanfiction too, some of them are just for fun, but some fanfictions are considered really sophisticated and some even become accepted as canonical by the original author lol

    anyways there shouldn't be anything wrong with some creative writing

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