Is it normal for an atheist to want to promote tolerance of islam?
I want to learn everything I can about Islam, including learning Arabic, reading the Qur'an, and observing religious services, customs and culture.
Why? Because I am tired of people in the US hating Muslims. I'm tired of the ignorance and the unjustified fear. I want to be active in promoting tolerance, or if nothing else, reducing ignorance on the subject. I've found that most people who hate Muslims don't know anything about them. Who can respect that? At least have a valid FACTUAL and logical reason (if such exists) for hating them, if nothing else!
I made a comment on facebook, a totally innocent comment about being tolerant, I didn't even say anything about ANY particular religion, and I got called 'some kind of Muslim freak' by a 'good Christian' person.
From what I know about Islam already, I find it to be very beautiful and fascinating. It really bothers me how Muslims are treated.