Is it normal for an op to insult respondents?

Why do people post stories and then just use their anonymity to scream and shout at people who don't agree with them? What use is it? It doesn't change anyone's opinion. It just makes them think you are stupid and immature.

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 46 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't know if I necessarily insult someone, and generally I show my username, I just don't like it when someone posts something that is not even a valid contribution (I'll take funny too). I can't respect a post if it is not even a valid contribution or tries to use mean-spiritedness to devalue my question.

    Granted I know that there are plenty of people here that will lash out on respondents for lesser reasons, lol. I guess they do so so their reputation here will not be damaged or scrutinized.

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  • I see it going both ways a lot of the time.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    It's because to some... this isn't "is it normal" but "help me justify my actions".

    they already know their actions are wrong. they just want to come up with excuses to justify those actions.

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  • Because they're chicken shits, even on the net when no one can see them. I think it's funny, someone who's sooo much of a little wimp that they won't give people shit unless their username is blocked....can someone be more lolable.

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  • I wonder who does that...

    On a serious note, since I am guilty of this, I'll explain.
    I do it because I don't do it for an answer to just believe, I do it to open a debate. What good is an answer if you and a counter to that answer?

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    • ellact2000

      Never thought about that but it does make sense

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  • ebulliance

    Also I've had opportunities on my polls/stories to start a flamewar but I don't.

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  • ebulliance

    I usually don't use anonymous, so... Only person I have a problem with is the person who sent me the website in the first place...

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  • bigtoy

    If you are 43joel, it's normal behaviour to create a post then slag off anyone that comments.

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  • alv1592

    Of course it's annoying. I'm never mean to people who comment on my posts, it just bothers me when they don't understand what I'm saying, so I keep trying to explain it more thoroughly.

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  • Imsupernormal

    Lol I'm so guilty of this. Heehee :)

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  • What did they say to you?

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    • To be honest, nothing. I was going to make a joke out of this by jokily shouting at everyone who responded but, today, it doesn't seem that funny any more so I thought I'd let it stand as a question.

      It's not about any of the people who have currently responded, by the way. It's not about anyone in particular. It's just something that happens now and again (it's not the regulars doing it).

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  • kyanviado

    Fuck off make me a sandwich

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    • Most certainly, kind sir. Would ground glass and cyanide on rye keep the munchies at bay?

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      • mtg710

        You, sir or madam, have just earned recognition on this post as "Greatest Comment of the Day." For this, you shall be swiftly rewarded with my quoting said comment to several close friends, so that the public may soon come to notify you as the "OP who made that hilarious comment on IIN." :)

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        • dappled

          Why thank you! I would be most gratified if, when you tell this story, you can make me a shade more dashing and also say that three girls swooned when I delivered the fateful line. ;)

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