Is it normal for anxiety to get worse and worse?
I have a anxiety. My family has a history of anxiety. I don't take anything for it unless I'm going to sleep, as part of my sleep aid.
I used to have a lot of anxiety, but resolved them through personal battles and willpower. The only place it seems to linger is in certain communication areas.
It used to just be a phone anxiety, just the picking up. Then in was listening to messages on the machine. Also I don't listen to cell phone voice mail(I just call back). Opening bills(even when though they are fine). It's even in checking social network messages. Now if I post a comment on this site and come back in a few days I freeze for a second before I click on the notices, even though I generally like the feedback and replies part.
It seems to happen after one bad experience, A bad message sent to me. It's like after that my immediate thought is, "Oh... I this could be bad" and I freeze. Then I worry about it until I get back to it. But I NEVER answer machines or voice mail anymore. Ever. And I have to give myself a pep talk to call a stranger.
You wouldn't know from looking at me or talking to me that I have these feelings. It doesn't matter if my own mother left me a voice mail. I just feel anxious. I'm not sure if it's going to affect looking at texts next or...? I don't know.
I should get it checked out, but first I wanted to know if it generally follows this path? Worse and worse... Is it normal?