Is it normal for anxiety to get worse and worse?

I have a anxiety. My family has a history of anxiety. I don't take anything for it unless I'm going to sleep, as part of my sleep aid.

I used to have a lot of anxiety, but resolved them through personal battles and willpower. The only place it seems to linger is in certain communication areas.

It used to just be a phone anxiety, just the picking up. Then in was listening to messages on the machine. Also I don't listen to cell phone voice mail(I just call back). Opening bills(even when though they are fine). It's even in checking social network messages. Now if I post a comment on this site and come back in a few days I freeze for a second before I click on the notices, even though I generally like the feedback and replies part.

It seems to happen after one bad experience, A bad message sent to me. It's like after that my immediate thought is, "Oh... I this could be bad" and I freeze. Then I worry about it until I get back to it. But I NEVER answer machines or voice mail anymore. Ever. And I have to give myself a pep talk to call a stranger.

You wouldn't know from looking at me or talking to me that I have these feelings. It doesn't matter if my own mother left me a voice mail. I just feel anxious. I'm not sure if it's going to affect looking at texts next or...? I don't know.

I should get it checked out, but first I wanted to know if it generally follows this path? Worse and worse... Is it normal?

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79% Normal
Based on 34 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • What I find funny is that, as soon as this was approved, I tried to delete it. I thought I had. :P Glad it got through though. :) :)

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  • karmasAbich

    Your perfectly fine. I guarantee it. Meditation is the answer. Not always for spiritual reasons either. Only to regain your reigns. Focus on one spot on the wall, sit or lie down straight, and just observe. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Feel your lungs fill with air. listen to the sounds around you. If thoughts pop into your head, its normal, just focus on what's around you. You'll be A-ok.

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  • missjulia92

    It's very normal. I've been diagnosed with anxiety for much of my life. It has highs and lows. Talk to your doctor or psychiatrist. They may be able to put you on a low dose medication that has virtually no or little side effects. Sometimes willpower is not enough with anxiety and you need a little help.

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  • notinrivers

    It's completely normal. I've been an anxiety 'sufferer' for about 3 years now. what happened is you've make an association between picking up voice messages as a stressful thing. You may have been already stressed when you picked up the original message and it simply pushed you over the edge. this meant your 'primitive' brain kicked in with a 'fight or flight' response. This means from that moment onward your brain is associating picking up the messages as being dangerous which is why your primitive brain goes on overdrive and leaves you paralysed. the answer is changing your association and thought process when you go to pick your messages up. rather than thinking 'Oh no. This is going to be bad news.' think 'Oh look, someone's got in touch. it might be good news.' or even reward yourself for picking them up so the association becomes a positive one.
    it works, but it takes time :)

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    • Lol. When I get a landline I'm putting chocolates by my phone. They will be my "good girl" treats. Lol.

      Thanks for the feed back. I'm always looking for ways to overcome obstacles in my life. I never thought of using positive reinforcement. :) Seem pretty simple now. Lol

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  • butternutty

    I completely understand you. I got diagnosed with GAD last year and trying to figure out how to make it work out

    Every diagnosis affects every person differently or at different levels, but if it is getting to the point where you can't control it or can't function normally then I STRONGLY recommend you see your psychiatrist about it. Willpower works to a very good extent, but as you keep growing, you're probably going to be introduced to new triggers or experiences that may also strengthen your anxiety if you don't know what to do. Whether you want to get medication or counseling is up to you, but seeing your doctor will at least provide you with more information that can help you prevent or cope with your attacks. Good luck!!

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    • When my life avails a doctors appointment, I'll definitely bring it up! Thanks! :)

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  • Dozis

    That's the whole point.. you should be adaptive and able to figure out what to do and be ready to face anything just like that, without "knowing" what to do before the situation arises.

    Failure to do so is not a consequence of anxiety it is one of the causes. In other words you sit there blank minded when you should be figuring out what to say and what to do, on the spot, that's where the anxiety comes from. The only way to temporary deal with that anxiety is avoiding social situations you are not already prepared to manage. But that in the long run would become a tedious task, just like standing behind a desk counting the money or doing whatever repetitive task, it would turn otherwise enjoyable and pleasurable social activities into something annoying and boring like doing housechores.

    This happens because what triggers the release of serotonin and dopamine and other feel good neurotransmitters is: witnessing and dealing with new situations. That's where the sense of accomplishment and self esteem comes from.

    Any person who got used to repetitive tasks in the long run ceases getting all the enjoyment out of them and if the whole thing keeps going on long enough, you become some sort of automaton freaking out whenever a new unexpected situation you didn't prepare yourself for arises.

    The meds you have been taking do not deactivate whatever makes you brain get the anxiety for good. It is a temporary thing that usually does not addresses the eventual cognitive impairments leading to the anxiety in the first place.

    medications can't exactly teach you how to go through whatever comes to you, right? Memory troubles can also lead to a great deal of anxiety, because you try remembering everything you need to figure out what to do at a later time but fail doing so.
    This becomes particularly true whenever somebody exploits your flaws and impairments at his own advantage or just because he or she thinks it is funny.
    Last thing you need is somebody making you doubt the little memory you got.

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