Is it normal for atheists to always act so conceited?

I'm sure it's not true with everyone in this category, but there is one thing I have noticed about every atheists I have ever met or listened to when it comes down to spirituality debates: They're stuck-up egomaniacs.

Most of the time they don't even give an explanation why they think there is no spiritual world besides explaining that they're *right* and everyone else is *wrong* because we're too stupid to *understand*. The irony is that they have trouble understanding the possible reality of the presence of a god and/or spiritual afterlives just as much as we have trouble understanding their side of the story. I'm all for the openness of different individuals beliefs and I'm fine if atheists want to believe what they believe, but I just wish that they would open up their minds a little to the possibility of things outside the realm of human comprehension and stop being so conceited. I have been unbiasedly questioning the belief of a god for a long time now and I have still yet to find a good reason not to believe. Besides, have you ever thought about how/why the concept of time began to exist in the first place?

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47% Normal
Based on 114 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 47 )
  • statuskuo

    Replace 'atheist' with 'christian' and that's exactly how I feel! At my university we constantly get churches or random maniacs who have a huge sign saying that were going to hell. It doesn't get more obnoxious than that. Christians always have that righteous, holier than thou attitude and disapprove of everything else

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  • gnat

    hahahannah said:
    "You're stupid. There is no "god" we're right and that's the end of it. I'm so sick of ignorant people, shut the fuck up!"

    At last.. an enlightened intellectual has entered the debate.

    Please elaborate so we can all share your secret omniscience.

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  • angelsspike

    Your branching a who group together and that isn't far. Every Christian I've ever met truly believes if you don't believe what they believe then your going to he'll and they HAVE to try and convert you before it's to late. But that doesn't mean my experiences in christian makes all I'd them that way. Don't group people like that. People are egosentric, not the religion they are grouped in

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  • paradoxinsoxs

    I'm only an athiest because baby sammiches are so yummy!

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  • sgbslp

    They are rejecting the beliefs of others. My theology teacher in college said that just b/c you don't believe the beliefs of others, you are not atheistic or agnostic.I thought I was agnostic b/c I grew up in racist, ignorant, fundamentalist church. After studying for two years, I began to find a way I could believe and that Christianity was nothing like I had experienced as a child . I think they have had bad experiences.

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  • mousieroo

    Every religion has arrogant people, not just atheism.

    Most of the athiests I know don't believe in God or the supernatural because something happened to them that made them bitter towards religion. They like to tell me how wrong I am for believing in God, and a couple in particular like to point out hypocritical behavior on religious people to me. They act like it makes them feel superior.

    A few athiests I know believe the way they do because they thought long and hard about it, and decided that they genuinely didn't believe that anything supernatural existed. These are the athiests I respect. They respect my beliefs just as I respect theirs, and are open to talking about religion, but don't push their beliefs on me or try to make me feel inferior.

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  • hawtchocolate

    So true! I'm sure they're not all lik that but any atheists that i have met critisise and mock religion. They're anti-religious views are so strong that they're just the non-religious version of strict orthedox catholics or muslims . . I'm talking about people who call them selves athiest and not just people who dont give a crap either way . .

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  • duckman985

    Keep in mind that douchebags come in all varieties. Smart people, which a lot of Atheists tend to be, are usually douchebags too.

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  • ColinAwesome

    I'm not a stuck up egomaniac. thats a steriotype. some of my best friends are christian. Shame on you for saying that.

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  • i believe in both good and bad i don't and never will read the bible

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  • HollywoodHappy

    I am an atheist, and I can safely say; not all atheists arw like that. In fact, most of us think the exact same thing about Christians. Now, I, specifically, am pretty concieted, but that definitely has nothing to do with my religious views. I'm just like that. And I only get like that about my religion when someone from another religion is acting that way and badmouthing me. Only then do I find it acceptable to be a b*tch about religion. Like if someone starts preaching to me about god, I will most definitely preach to them about Scoence.

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    • HollywoodHappy


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  • dom180

    I have come to realise this: if you don't understand somebody elses argument then it sounds repetitive even if it isn't really. To me, all pro-religious arguements sound the same, even if to a religious person they sound diverse. Equally, when I put foreward a pro-atheism argument, religious people find me repetitive. Just an interesting observation as to why everyone seems like a complete dick to everyone else.

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  • I find that they're as in-your-face about their beleifs as any Christian would be...neither one should be like that.

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  • SaintPhoeniix

    Too dumb to understand science? Try religion!
    But seriously, try to put yourself in an atheists shoes a look at religion. For me, it's a way of controlling weak minded people. People believe in religion because they're too stubborn to accept that when you die, you die. The earth was made but an invisible floating guy that whenever you prove doesn't exist, they don't accept it. You Christians are brainwashed to believe this shit from an early age. Why do you think they introduce kids into religion? Because they're not old enough to know better. Science can explain the origin to the universe. Religion cannot. Get over it.

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  • Nakkiel

    "Most of the time they don't even give an explanation" What exactly is there to explain? There is no rational reason to believe a god exists, so we don't believe in one. I could go much further into various reasons why, but that is already a good enough reason not to believe in one. (Religious wars, horrible things done in the name of "god", etc) One thing I have noticed about Christians (And it seems to only be Christians, not other faiths) is they tend to be extremely self absorbed, not follow their own religion's teachings & just shrug it off when you ask why, and make up ridiculous generalities based on all 3 of the atheists they know. Last time I was in a church it had a gift shop in it.. didn't Jesus specifically speak out against things like that?

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    • Nakkiel

      "why they think there is no spiritual world"
      First of all Atheism is simply the "belief" (Albeit a belief in the same way that I believe the earth is round, aka technically I can't be 100% sure due to [insert ridiculous theory]) that there is not a god of any sort. Technically speaking I personally am agnostic, because I am actually open to the possibility of some sort of creator, although I don't explicitly believe in one. And there is no evidence to support any kind of energy strong enough to carry the entirety of who we are to some magic place. Yes you can argue that we don't completely understand the human brain, etc, etc, but other than deluding yourself into thinking you will live forever what reason is there to believe in an afterlife? I fully support those that search for evidence of one, but not the assumption that it is true.

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      • Nakkiel

        "besides explaining that they're *right* and everyone else is *wrong* because we're too stupid to *understand*." Most of us see you more as deluded and conditioned.

        "The irony is that they have trouble understanding the possible reality of the presence of a god" Again I'm actually agnostic, but I couldn't believe in a god that still exists and is capable of contacting us. Countless wars that could have been prevented just from this being popping in and providing evidence of itself. If a god does currently exist it would have to be incredibly heartless, or just view us like we see insects. Also if a god directly designed us why genetic disease? Or to rephrase why did an "all-knowing all powerful being" make flaws in our very design that result in suffering and death. I could believe in some sort of creator given evidence of one, but it has the same flaws as the other theory. Either something created everything (A god if you will, even if that god isn't sentient) or everything has always existed, they both sound crazy, but there are no other options.

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        • Nakkiel

          "I just wish that they would open up their minds a little" To what exactly? The only belief all atheists share is that there is no god. Other than that every atheist has their own set of beliefs. Its ironic you are talking about atheists opening their minds when you aren't considering the fact that most have thought about it quite a bit. Especially those that came from a religious community and were ostracized simply for one belief they hold being different from the people around them.

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          • Nakkiel

            "I have been unbiasedly questioning the belief of a god for a long time now and I have still yet to find a good reason not to believe." Cancer. Explain why god's design kills innocent people. I can think of dozens more if you happen to answer it with some sort of rationality other than "but we get to live forever in a magical land of love and joy and puppies." (Sorry I had to throw the sarcasm in, I just had to.)

            "Besides, have you ever thought about how/why the concept of time began to exist in the first place?" Yes, but I don't jump to the assumption that it is magic. What if someone saw an airplane 2000 years ago? Most people would quickly give up on trying to explain it. It could be taken as a sign from god, some sort of demonic power, etc. The point is human nature wants to understand what it comes in contact with. When we can't then we make a "best guess." The less we understand something the less accurate that guess is likely to be. Belief should be based on evidence, not the lack of evidence contrary to the belief. I could believe that I am god, and of course I would be wrong. I have no reason to believe that, but please try to prove that I'm not. If god is all powerful it could choose to live the life of an ordinary human. It would even make sense, just god trying to understand the opposition to belief in it. So should I go and start a religion around the premise that I'm god because it can't be dis-proven?

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  • Schythl

    Long live common sense!

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  • timebobbu

    im not an egomaniac, im modest and plain LOL

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  • gnat

    Combobreaker, i'm not knocking you on much of what you're saying; in fact i'm very much with you on many of your points made.

    I think what i'm trying to get at; while pertaining to the original (iin) question is that generally speaking, atheists can come across quite disrespectful to others views when those views are not founded on proovable science.

    You do not seem to be typically representative of those traits as you say:
    "But in my opinion, anything is posible"
    A notion not easily amalgamated with the concept of atheism.

    You go on to say:

    "I denie the paranormal because I belive that science can decode and explain everything. We just have to figure out how."

    That statement doesn't quite work. I get your point and I agree with your meaning ..but; You're not really denying the paranormal then; unless you mean that science will eventually deduce that things which are now deemed paranormal are in fact untrue. I don't think you mean that at all. What you really mean is that you believe that paranormal things might exist but if they do then we do not yet understand them. In time though, we probably will understand the currently unexplained through the development of science. .....This is not denying the paranormal. It's an open mind which is tempered by scientific fact. And like I already said, scientific facts are just waiting to be prooved wrong so why shackle your mind to them. I'd much rather fleetingly embrace many a fantastical concept than have my imagination and theoretical creativity bound by the limits of science. Many would think my head is in the clouds with that kind of attitude but let me assure you that my feet are firmly on the ground and my concept of reality is not in any way forfieted.

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    • ComboBreaker

      Yes, Atheists can come across as quite disrespectful, but then... what group dosn't?

      "A notion not easily amalgamated with the concept of atheism."


      I denie the paranormal as a word. Out of stories... ofcourse. The paranormal implies that it is unexplainable, nothing is unexplainable.

      "What you really mean is that you believe that paranormal things might exist but if they do then we do not yet understand them. In time though, we probably will understand the currently unexplained through the development of science."

      Sorry, I sometimes make little sense. But yes...

      "And like I already said, scientific facts are just waiting to be prooved wrong so why shackle your mind to them"

      And like I already said, Because its the best we have so far. Scientific method, will in time (and it's only the matter of time) explain everything. Help us better understand, everything. Like I said, we just have to know how. Besides, it's not like none of it has been helpful for the further development/ better understanding of the human race and such...

      "I'd much rather fleetingly embrace many a fantastical concept than have my imagination and theoretical creativity bound by the limits of science."

      Bound? I don't realy understand... With explination of how things work and understanding what it would take for things to work, if anything... expands the creativity. Imagination should NOT be bound by science! Only real world desision makeing and planing. Letting your imagination follow only the rules of scientific method, will make you a very dull person... probly a terrible theoretical thinker too... The idea of the human imagination being limited, aggrivates me... I could moan about it all day (without making a lick of sense, arguing with myself), so I'll just move on.

      "Many would think my head is in the clouds with that kind of attitude but let me assure you that my feet are firmly on the ground and my concept of reality is not in any way forfieted."

      From thinknig in an imaginative way? People could say your head was in the clouds... But it wouldn't make your opinions and theorys any less of an opinion and/or a theory. Reality is what one perceives it to be. Nothing more, nothing less...

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  • gnat

    ComboBreaker said:
    "We just rule out theorys with what we know to be scientific fact so far. Yes things will change, but until then, we have to go by what we know."

    Yes, I agree ... but when you reject an idea based on a current scientfic fact, that rejection is fundamentally flawed as the very concept of a scientific fact is a fallacy; as you've already admitted: "Yes things will change, but until then, we have to go by what we know." Is there such a thing as a 'temporary fact'? I be thinky not not!
    So .. my point pertaining to your quote is this: It's fair game to reason theories based on the cutting edge of the understanding of things but in the assumption that those understandings; however reasonable are ultimate facts, there is the problem of imposed creative boundaries. It's ok if you're a researcher who's allowing for possibilities but if you're like most atheists, who simply believe in the facts which contemporary science dictates to them, then you're creating a self imposed limit on creative thinking. Ask an Atheist to just suppose that there could be a God.. without proof.. without reason.. to just simply accept it as possible. Ask him that and he'll just quote science at you and call you a lunatic.

    ..Which is fair enough, i'm not saying there's anything wrong in it.

    ComboBreaker said:
    "The day a scientist prooves something wrong, no matter what, it's a good day. Because, "now" we know."
    "An Atheist is NOT told what to belive"
    Hmm, are you sure?

    ComboBreaker said:
    "Scientific method. We all go by it, because it's the best we have so far."

    As you already said, things do not need to be prooved in order to exist. So not entertaining the possibilty of things which are fantastic/supenatural etc etc, simply because of lack of proof again strengthens my argument that an Atheist view is limited.

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    • ComboBreaker

      "Ask an Atheist to just suppose that there could be a God.. without proof.. without reason.. to just simply accept it as possible. Ask him that and he'll just quote science at you and call you a lunatic."

      True. Many Atheists will do so, sadly. Not even realiseing that the God theory is still a valid theory. Then why are they Atheists? you may ask... Because we simply don't belive there is a God (Not a paranormal one anyway). This is why I say Atheists are not told what to think. Yet there may be thoughs out there who think they can tell Atheists what to think. Any Atheist reading this? You are not told what to think. Atheism is a tag.

      "..Which is fair enough, i'm not saying there's anything wrong in it."

      Hahaha Realy? I see loads wrong with it!

      ""The day a scientist prooves something wrong, no matter what, it's a good day. Because, "now" we know."
      "An Atheist is NOT told what to belive"
      Hmm, are you sure?"

      Yes... I am sure.

      With a scientist (a good one, not necercerily an Atheist) He/she enjoys not knowing. Because with not knowing, leaves room for us to wonder, ponder and imagin the posabilitys. Lets us discover and learn and build theorys for us to decode. Gets me excited just thinking about it!

      "As you already said, things do not need to be prooved in order to exist. So not entertaining the possibilty of things which are fantastic/supenatural etc etc, simply because of lack of proof again strengthens my argument that an Atheist view is limited."

      I supose... But in my opinion, anything is posible. I denie the paranormal because I belive that science can decode and explain everything. We just have to figure out how.
      The Atheist that has a limited view, is from his/her upbringing. It is the person with limited veiw, not the tag we give them.

      If I have ever given the impresion that I think less of someone based on their opinion, I am terribly sorry. Maby I was drunk or high that day... Mostly drunk, I'm more open minded when high. Sorry again if I have done so.

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  • shinyspecs

    Religion isn't perfect. It'll probably never be perfect, and some theists accept this, because religion isn't necessarily representative of God. They realize that it's something man-made and many man-made things are faulty. And their criticism of a "god" concept is based largely in the Christian religion. To me, there are more meanings of God than what the traditional Bible says or what the traditional Western religion teaches.

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  • gnat

    Well, the uniting principle of an atheist is that they reject the idea of God. Well, more like they reject God of the Biblical ilk; a being or conscious creator.

    They (generally) tend to rely on science for their outlook on existence and generally reject things which are not prooved.

    Many atheists i've spoken to say that the burden of proof lies with those making non scientific or unreasonable claims. This can sort of come across as how you describe it: "egomanically"

    NopeNotNormal said:
    "It's because atheists aren't stupid. We don't believe in something because we're told to"

    But Atheists (generally) ARE told what to believe. They cling to contemporary science like a srecurity blanket; always safe in the knowledge that what they belive are facts. The problem is that science always evolves to proove itself wrong. So an atheists potential for creative thinking is bound by its limits of imagination.

    I'm not a theist, but I deny nothing; instead I remain open to all possibilties and thus my mind is ready to learn nd contemplate ideas beyong that which science deems acceptable.

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    • ComboBreaker

      "They cling to contemporary science like a srecurity blanket; always safe in the knowledge that what they belive are facts."

      Not just the Athist but many theists go by contemporary science too (we all do). We may not know everything, but you know what? We love that we don't know everything. This is what gives us our creativity. Theorys of how things work in the univers, is nothing but creativity. We just rule out theorys with what we know to be scientific fact so far. Yes things will change, but until then, we have to go by what we know. An Atheist is NOT told what to belive. Just don't belive in paranormal/gods and you automaticly get the tag. Anything you belive after that is entirely up to you. The day a scientist prooves something wrong, no matter what, it's a good day. Because, "now" we know.

      "They (generally) tend to rely on science for their outlook on existence and generally reject things which are not prooved."

      In some ways you are right. But to say no one hase prooved it dosn't meen it can't be prooved. This is when I usely ask the person: "Why don't you proove it?"
      Not to be taken the wrong way, but to be take seriously as a sugetion that you and/or anyone else could proove something right or wrong. How to proove? Scientific method. We all go by it, because it's the best we have so far.

      My opinion was not that of every Atheist, just me.

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  • animaguskid

    In my experience there is some truth to that statement but mostly atheists seem pessimistic to me. They're people who have simply given up. I think we all want for a god to exist or else that means death is the end of our existence.
    Personally though I'm agnostic.

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  • Justdreaming

    Works both ways. Religion preceded the 'absolute abstract scientific truths' they're both boxed universes.

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  • I know someone who is an atheist and he is a long time freind, but every time religion jumps into the conversation, he always seems so sure.

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  • BitterSweet

    I understand where you are coming from, and it probably only strengthens your view when you have idiots replying to tell you that you are stupid for not seeing the world the way they do. I don't follow a religion but I'm not unapposed to the belief that there is a superior being. As far as I can see, neither religion or science has proof, only faith and evidence.
    However, I must say it depends what side of the fence you are standing on because I have met a lot of Christians who act superior to those who don't believe in God and an afterlife and who will tell me i'm going to hell because I don't see eye to eye with them. I have been made to feel as though I am an idiot because I couldn't possibly understand their religion. It's a concept, I understand it, that doesn't mean I have to agree.

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  • alligator3

    Hey! i know a kid like that! and he's aetheist! who knew?!

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  • yes. im an atheist. yep.

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  • If anyone reau went in depth, you wouldn't understand anyway, being who you are and what you believe in

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  • plussign

    Funny, any time I've had the debate with a Christian they have said what you just said the atheists say:: that they're just "right" and that's the way it is.
    This is not one or two people but MANY.

    Hopefully you meet an agnostic or atheist that can explain their side to you in a more intellectual way, cuz that's definitely not the norm.

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  • randomjelly

    You're being ridiculous. It's not the religion or lack is either your lack of knowledge or the other persons lack of knowledge. That is all.

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  • sgbslp

    Maybe you don't believe in organized religions. I can't stand them. I think they're all about money

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  • loviex102

    I lean more towards atheism and I used to call myself an atheist, but I found religion to be a piece of crap, so I don't care about religion at all.

    I'm not conceited and I don't have a huge ego. I'm actually quite the opposite.

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  • I'm atheist, and I really hope I don't act that way. I have my own personal beliefs, and you can have yours, no problem. But, when people try to force their religion on me, that kinda pisses me off, cause it's like "Ok, well I said it was fine for you to have your own religion, why are you saying that it's not ok to have mine?".

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  • qtoryz

    It does seem that way, doesn't it. It's good that you posted ,you know it's not all if them. However I see your point

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  • ComboBreaker

    First off. Atheists can belive what ever they want. So long as you dont belive in the existance of the supernatural, you are atheist.

    Second. Yeah, I am an egomaniac. I have quite the grin right now.

    Seems like you've encounterd some pritty silly atheists that most likly got the wrong idea of what an atheist is. Sadly this happens alot. Please dont hold their sillyness against all who are taged atheist. Wouldnt want to be stereotyping now, would we.

    Concept of time? That would have accured thousands of years ago when human first learned it was differnt. Time is simply the messurement of events. Our orbit round the sun and lunas orbit round the earth. Earths rotation, Day and night. When we developed more mathmatics, we developed the sun dile and later on, clock. The reason we use time is because good timeing makes a huge differnce. With the time we can set persice dates for events to take place. I dont know the specifics but there are some facinateing theorys about time itself. It's fun to think about am I right?

    The begining of time, ever. Thats a tough one. No one can say for good. Probly never know. All we can do is break down any theorys that we can think of. Most populer being the big bang theory.

    You say you have yet to find a good enough reason not to belive in a god. I wouldnt mind hearing your reasons for wanting to belive.

    BTW what you ask is that all atheists change to agnostic.

    Normal. Not just atheists but everyone can be conceited.

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  • gnat


    I agree completely. I think a lot of atheists don't really understand the true concept of the label they so proudly attach to themselves. They think that because they don't believe in the bible or that because the notion of a humanesque creator of existence is absurd, that it makes them an atheist and thus base that assertion on the rejection of these limited notions of a somewhat conscious omnipotent, omnipresent creator.

    You have to understand a LOT of definitions of god to reject them all.

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  • NopeNotNormal

    It's because atheists aren't stupid. We don't believe in something because we're told to or because we fear the wrath of something. When people are mentally superior, they can seem a tad egomaniacal.

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  • I'm an agnostic & probably always will be.. Atheists have no imagination and die-hard Christians are... Silly.

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  • theflyinglobster

    ever see the youtuber "theamazingatheist", or whatever? ignorant bastard.

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