Is it normal for atheists to claim that they are..

Most of the atheists think they are smarter than believing people. They believe in Big Bang and how everything in our universe came to its existence just by accident and one big explosion.

But when you give them this simple example, they say "are you crazy!?" And the example is: Can you create an iPhone 6 if you keep exploding the sand in the desert? Obviously as mentioned, they will say are you out of your mind!?

Yet!!! They chose to believe that the entire universe, Milky Way, our solar system, our earth, different organisms, plants... came to being just by accident. Do you know that scientifically and mathematically, creating and iPhone 6 by exploding the desert sands have actually MORE CHANCE than all of the above things being created by accident? Yes creating iPhone by explosion sounds ridiculous and it is ridiculous, don't get me wrong. But what is more ridiculous is that believing the whole of universe happened the same way.

Atheists claim to be logical people. But yet, they can't accept this kind of simple facts.


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Comments ( 47 )
  • Sensate

    "Can you create an iPhone 6 if you keep exploding the sand in the desert?"
    - that must be the most retarded attempt ever made by some religious nutt to discount the big bang theory

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  • CptBallbag

    Let me ask you this: if the universe was created by a God, then how was that God created? Or has God simply always existed? And if that is the case then why couldn't the universe always have existed?

    It's safe to say that none of us know how the universe came to be for sure. Maybe science will provide a clearer answer in the future. Perhaps we'll never know. In any case, assuming that a God made everything with no proof to back up that claim is no more of an answer than 'I don't know' is.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      But the big bang cannot be proven either so you have to have faith in one or the other. I think it takes less faith to believe in a creator.

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      • CptBallbag

        I disagree. The big bang is as close to the truth as science has right now. Our understanding of it will most likely expand in the future but nonetheless the theory is based on fact; what we know to be true. Believing in a cosmic deity is purely blind faith, as there is no evidence or proof whatsoever to suggest the existence of such a thing.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Big bang is a theory. It wouldn't be called a theory if it could be proven. Something appearing where there was nothing? It takes just as much 'blind' faith to believe that. Anyway it would take a mighty being to make something from nothing.
          There are also scientists that are thinking there has to be an intelligent designer, tell me I'm wrong but look it up first.

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          • CptBallbag

            Theories are the best we can have, as nothing should be 100% set in concrete. The facts are subject to change and the big bang theory is no different. Also, if an intelligent designer made everything from nothing, how did he come to be?

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            • robbieforgotpw

              Obviously someone powerful enough to create everything would have always existed. How is that so hard to believe? No one creates God, He just is. But both depend on faith since we didn't see creation occur. I like to think I'm made in the image of Almighty God not just having 'evolved' from an amoeba which have no genes to create a human. There could be an indefinite amount of time and an amoeba or single celled organism will never change into a human.
              But we can disagree.

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        • RandomNumbers

          people have the wrong idea of what God is

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    • RandomNumbers

      What God really is is pretty much uncompreensible to us. something shall remain in mistery until we are able to understand it.

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  • Sophiaaaaa

    I agree, atheist Think that everyone else are idiots and they're Intire lives revolve around something they don't believe

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It does really bother me when atheists assume that I have no knowledge of the Big Bang Theory and science in general because I am religious, but you OBVIOUSLY have no understanding.

    Stop it. Just stop it.
    It's people like you that give atheists the reason to think that all religious people are bumbling fucking morons who didn't pay attention during High School physics classes. Seriously. Somewhere out there, some atheist is reading this and using this, in their head, as an example to justify their belief that all religious people are absolte dolts.

    Please, do your research before you say one more word about this in a public forum.

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    • lufa

      lol, well as an atheist I've gotten past seeing theists as 'bumbling morons' just people who lack the understanding I have of these important issues. I know if they had the same knowledge I do, then they'd have similar views.

      I used to be a Christian (till my teens) and I found that the church tends to indoctrinate people into rejecting and hating science-the only real path to true knowledge and understanding of our physical universe.

      No offense but the rest of it is just fairy tales/mythologies. If your god is not real, then nothing about religion is relevant-it falls like a house of cards. And so far the odds are heavily against finding gods, much as they are for finding goblins, pink unicorns and Santa Claus.

      While science works through trial and error, throwing out wrong ideas, building on the right ones, religion works on blind acceptance of dogma established in the Bronze age.

      I've been on some Conservative sites/forums, most of the posters tend to be Christian. Some of them are quite brilliant on matters such as politics, but then start babbling like 8 yr olds when it comes to things like Evolution, the Big Bang or abortion, gay marriage and other hot-button issues.

      I think Christians are smart enough to understand science, but they refuse to do it because of the brainwashing of the church and secretly I'm sure they know it'd mean they'd have to leave their faith since they'd realize science is right, religions are false-and they're too afraid to leave.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I don't refuse to understand science. I just refuse to believe that I can't believe that such a perfect universe can be created and studied and believe in God too.

        I have no refusal or objection to science or the progress of humanity but I don't believe that I have to drop my faith in a grand creator because humanity has come closer to deciphering their mysteries, nor do I believe that anyone should feel the need to guilt me into sharing their beliefs because they can't fathom how I can believe in a power greater than this universe because we have come to better understand this universe.

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  • Pwnfacertwn

    This is a perfect illustration of the short-sightedness and deliberate misrepresention/misunderstanding of evolution/big bang/science in general of so many biblical creationists. Though I suspect the OP is simply trolling.

    First of all, where are these scientific or mathematical facts that suggest smashing a phone and exploding desert sands is more likely than anything? Show us the data. If this is scientifically and mathematically true, then why hasn't Stephen Hawking or Neil degrasse Tyson jumped on board with this... or any credible physicist for that matter.

    Creationists need to stop pretending they have anything resembling a fucking clue when it comes to science. Creationism is not in competition with Big Bang/evolution. Biblical creationism is pure mythology. Looking for competition? Take on Hindu creation mythology. Take on Muslim creation mythology. Take on any of thousands of tribal creation mythologies. Leave science to those of us living in the 21st century.

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  • ProseAthlete

    Christ, this is stupid. You have such a poor understanding of the Big Bang theory -- it IS a theory, by the way, which is what makes it science and not faith, and it may someday be replaced by a better theory -- and of evolution that there's not even any point in trying to discuss it with you.

    It's like trying to teach a dog trigonometry. What would he do with it, anyway? It's not like he needs trig to know what angle to piss on a post, and I guess you don't need science or knowledge to continue breathing, so why bother?

    Science and religion work in fundamentally different ways. It doesn't have to be an either/or thing. Many evolutionary biologists and astrophysicists are also devoutly religious because they believe in a bigger, more powerful god than the small being that tiny fundamentalist minds can imagine. Your god is too small for you to understand that, and I am sorry for you, but there is no point in debating with you.

    You just keep pissing on posts and doing your thing. The rest of the world will discover new scientific knowledge without you just fine.

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    • lufa

      Actually a theory is the highest form of knowledge in science.

      So the Big Bang is not going to be 'replaced by something better', it's actually our best answer for understanding how our universe came into existence.

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      • dom180

        It's our best answer *with the data we have*, but if we get a wealth of new data that, combined with the old data, supports a different theory then that theory will replace Big Bang.

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        • lufa

          Well obviously-anyone with some basic understanding of science knows that we refine our theories as we gain more knowledge of our universe.

          However, Evolution and the Big Bang theories are the closest you're going to get to anything that might be a 'law' as to how the universe was created and life evolved.

          The Big Bang is not about to be replaced by anything, don't fool yourself. It's a well-established theory.

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          • dom180

            I agree it's well-established. I doubt it will be replaced, at least not for a long time. It's not impossible though, and there's a whole lot of data out there that might be just waiting to refute it. Science is a long journey, and I wouldn't rule out twists and turns in the road. We can treat it as certain because it's the best we've got and it's so well-established, but we shouldn't think that it's the ultimate answer.

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            • lufa

              What data are you talking about that would refute the Big Bang? What other credible explanation aside from the singularity would explain how our universe came into existence?

              Are you trying to sound deep or something? You almost sound like one of those Creationists. If there's some theory that is more compelling than the Big Bang, I'd like to hear it.

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      • ProseAthlete

        Theory (noun) -- A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, esp. one based on general principles independent of the thing to be...: "Darwin's theory of evolution"

        No theory, not even evolution or even the heliocentric model of the solar system, is immutable. Theories are still suppositions; they're based on evidence, and if new evidence is introduced into the process, theories change. It's how the Big Bang theory evolved from the old steady-state concept of the universe, how Darwinian natural selection overtook the Lamarckian model of evolution and how Kepler's elegant elliptical orbits supplanted the old concept of epicycles.

        If theories couldn't be "replaced by something better," they would be articles of faith, not science. It is fundamental to the understanding of science that theories can indeed change. If they didn't, we might still believe that the four humors were responsible for illness. At one point, it was the "highest form of knowledge in science" until microscopes showed scientists what germs were. Unless you believe we'll never get any new data that'll scrap our current theories and make new ones, chances are good that 500 years from now, at least a few things we now think we know will look very different.

        Not trying to be an asshole here and get all "you're wrong and I'm right, grr!," just pointing out that yes, theories can change -- although you're right that the really big, important ones tend to get refined rather than thrown out.

        By the way, you might be interested in the Big Chill, a model that some theoretical physicists think may be a better model for the start of the universe than the Big Bang. Rather than an explosion, these researchers at the University of Melbourne think the early universe might have crystallized. Google "Big Chill vs Big Bang" or something like that, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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        • lufa

          And where did I say theories never change? You implied the Big Bang (BB) is going to be replaced by something else. And my point was that it's well-established, that's not going to happen. Just as Evolution is not going to be wholly replaced by some other theory since it too is very well supported.

          It will only get tweaked/refined-unless some kind of revolution occurs in our understanding of physics, much as the shift from Newton to Einstein-but that is highly unlikely given that we know far more now than we did in the past.

          As for the Big Chill, there will always be competing theories trying to topple the establishment one-but I give little credence to them until they have demonstrated that they can provide a deeper, more truthful/accurate answer than the former.

          Watch this video which explains a theory in the scientific sense:

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  • darnitjoan

    I don't think I'm smarter than believing people, but I know I'm smarter than you after that load of rubbish you just posted.

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  • iheartu2013

    Science is actually starting to come together with religion. It is starting to prove that a creator of some kind is real! Some organisms are made up in a way that they could not have evolved.

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  • Darkoil

    This is one of the most retarded posts I have ever read on this website.

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  • lufa

    OP, you're implying that the iPhone takes intelligence to create-which is correct, it cannot come into existence by chance.

    And yet you refuse to apply the same reasoning to your God, he cannot have come into existence by chance, something must've created him, a super-god, he too was created and so on.

    However, if you accept our universe as it is the Big Bang (BB) can emerge spontaneously because there is a massive field of energy where virtual particles randomly pop in and out of existence-this has been proven in a lab.

    You just need to read up on science or watch some documentaries which will fill in the gaps of understanding that you lack.

    The BB had the right set of constants to allow high energy particles to coalesce into matter, stars-which created all the elements that allowed life to emerge.

    All of this is not only possible without 'divine intervention' but in fact this is what has occurred.

    We don't know what created the multiverse, but then you don't know any better than us.

    If you're going to propose gods, then you are required to present evidence, nothing less than your god appearing before us would do for starters. And then his creation would need to be explained.

    So right now religion has zilch to backup any of their outlandish claims. What I find laughable and pathetic is that someone claims your unproven god sent you a message and you follow it blindly, mindlessly and you balk at us? I cede the floor to you now.

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  • emi101

    God doesn't have to have been created by somebody. He is immortal. Supernatural. He isn't human or of this world and always was always is and always will be. God IS the beginning. And the end.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals

      This is a "begging the question" fallacious argument.

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    • lufa

      That's just crazy talk. How can a super-intelligent super-powerful being come from nothing? How can something come from nothing? If he created us and the universe than something created him. It's like saying an iphone can emerge out of sand.

      Where is this god of your, in your ass? Present him to me so I can accept he is real. Maybe you're just pulling my leg and your own but you don't know it cause you're slow.

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      • rosa333

        You fear the fact that nobody knows what created God, believing in God scares you

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        • lufa

          I fear the religious hive-mind who believes that imaginary creatures from fairy-tale books are real. If you noticed more than 90% of the terrorism, violence, rape, warfare is coming out of one religion-Islam. Christianity is just a non-violent version of the same lunacy.

          As for your god, I have no fear of fictional characters. I ask for proof of the existence of your god and all you theists ever do is yap. No evidence, just more yapping, arguing and debating.

          I guess your god exists only in words.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Thank You for the interesting discussion but I'm keeping as far away from this one as I can get. XD

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I will also add that Santa was said to be real at one point. It is also entirely possible Jesus was real even if he did not necessarily walk on water and turn water into wine.

    How do we know they did not kill a Jew who believed he was son of god? Doctors were once believed to be magic. How do we know he did not perform some type of miracle that today would be explainable by us.

    Its like saying world war 2 must have been a lie since we were not there. We hear stories of knights fighting dragons but most of us agree that knights did exist. So is it impossible a man believing to be the son of god did exist?

    Even the theories of vampires and witches can be explained with science. Chris angel(magician) walked on water. So it is not as though this type of stuff is impossible. Granted it was an illusion but it looked real.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    While I do find the attitude of atheist like this annoying your argument is just as stupid. Why don't we all be civil and stop trying to one up each other.

    So one side believes we evolved from monkeys, and one believes god made everything. Anyone throwing these type of arguments at each other is an idiot. I have also seen atheist use this type of argument.

    By saying "you believe in a Jesus do you think Santa is real to because he imaginary too"? Anyone who really wants to bully someone for their personal beliefs is an immature, insecure, idiot.

    This is how a bully works "They feel bad about themselves and have to attack someone else to make themselves feel better".

    So these supposedly intelligent people insulting religion are probobly very insecure about their own intelligence and personal beliefs and issues. So ignore them or maybe tell them to stop being so insecure. Maybe even say "Do you need a hug? If you do please cry on my shoulder".

    Tell them to stop pushing their insecurities on you and get a friend. Maybe they will learn to be better people from it. That is the true Christian way. Kill them with kindness.

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  • q25t

    Go google the Big Bang Theory and read the Wikipedia article on it. If you're going to dispute a theory, at least learn what it says before you start criticizing.

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  • lufa

    Everyone watch this vid on god, it's awesome.

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  • dom180

    Atheism doesn't necessarily mean you believe in the Big Bang. A lot of atheists don't believe in it, and if you ask them "how was the universe created?" they'll just say "I don't know, but I don't think it was God".

    I really started laughing when you talked about exploding sand to create an iPhone. That's just silly :P

    According to the theory, the Big Bang didn't create anything apart from energy, which then converted into matter. It doesn't describe how anything like the Milky Way were created; these were created as that matter interacted with itself in different ways. The Big Bang theory only describes the early development of the universe and how the stuff that makes up everything in the universe came into existence, not how that stuff became planets and life and stars and galaxies.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    True there are Athiests that think that they are smarter than everyone else however there are also religious people who think that they are smarter than anyone else, in fact i've known a few. Plus how can you say that most athiests are like that you would have to have met every one to be able to make that judgment

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  • AppleMind

    Lets say you are right and something did "design" our universe. Why are you so quick to say it was God? Using your logic, it could just have easily been the Flying Spaghetti Monster or perhaps our universe is simply a manufactured marble being used in a game by incomprehensibly large aliens.

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