Is it normal for atheists to 'look down' on others?

As a atheist you 'tend' to "feel" superior to religious folks. I think that's normal. But ARE you a better? You've chosen logic and they've chosen faith, Does that make you superior?. is it normal for atheists to 'look down' on others?

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44% Normal
Based on 103 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • paradoxinsoxs

    I agree with Jen no matter what your choice on religion is you're always going to look down on the idiot infidels that don't see the light you've been shown. I'm an atheist myself but I try not to judge anyone on there beliefs. Though I do look down on them for being naive.

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    • Jen118584

      I agree, I just can't help but think that people who are overly religious (I use the term overly loosely) lack originality and free thought. Why put all your faith in someone other than yourself and loved ones? God doesn't find you a job, graduate college for you, or raise your kids for you. I feel like.....give yourself some credit, you know? I appreciate the sentiments behind most religions but I truly feel that humanity as a whole isn't intelligent enough to interpret religious doctrine properly. It's supposed to be a guildline, not a mandate. So many people internalize the meanings behind religious text to such an extreme that they become completely unwilling to compromise in any way. People aren't robots.

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  • TheGasManCometh

    Imagine a society where people are unwilling to follow laws made by men - either they disagree with them, or do not fear being caught and punished - by men. How, then, do you ensure everyone in this society stays in line? You instil in them a moral code, enforceable not by men, but by an almighty being, who sees all and therefore always catches you - even if you are alone. And the punishment is the worst imaginable - eternal torment in Hell. But how on earth do you get people to swallow this nonsense? By promising them eternal bliss in Heaven if they do follow this moral code. People are often unsure of themselves, how to live and what is "right" - so they love to be told, and once the ball is rolling, others follow like sheep.

    How convenient that the punishment and rewards take place after death! This means no one can disprove it without the power of rational thought.

    So, the cleverest and most influential atheists were... (wait for it...) Jesus and Mohammed. Just think of all the things they've been able to make people do! Take the Muslim laws concerning eating pork, for example. At the time, food hygiene was not so great, and cooking methods were insufficient - but they didn't necessarily know this, so to stop people getting diseases and parasites, rather than just make a human law forbidding consumption of swine, which would be broken by the hungry, it was made a command from God / Allah, with threat of eternal damnation. Alcohol production at the time was a dodgy business, and the moonshine people were drinking often has terrible effects, such as blindness. But people were still doing it, so - word of God.

    I'm not saying religion is necessarily a bad thing - and in fact the successful ones tend to aim for a stable society, with obedient citizens who don't go blind and get tapeworms. But the problem is, the religions are obscenely out of date - for we now know how to cook pork safely, and make alcohol with only its natural ill-effects. (remember, these are just examples - all religions have such outdated rules.) All religions I can think of are sexist in the extreme, too - based on beliefs held at the time, and the ancient structure of society. But now we know better - so arguments and religious wars result.

    The human race probably did need religion to advance as far as it has. But now is the time for us to cast out these obsolete ideas that are based on the mother of all lies - that there is a God. Heaven and Hell are both places here on Earth, to be visited during our lifetime. Try to spend more time in the former.

    Comments welcome, even if just to tell me I'm going to have my armpits tickled by demons in Hell for my blasphemy (I really hate that!)

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    • BeirutsFinest

      I fucking love you.... every word you said is so true and you may have just changed my life :) thank you :D

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      • TheGasManCometh

        And seeing that has just cheered me up on a bad day, so thank you! You shall surely go to Heaven :)

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  • plasticalligator

    Most atheists on the internet seem extremely immature, like teenagers rebelling against their parents or something. No, they don't have any reason to feel superior, it's just another point of view on a topic people can never be 100% certain on anyway.

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  • dafattyfat

    i'm probably considered atheist
    but i dont look down on religous people, because they're usually so damn happy
    and i'd like some of that
    so i'm quite jealous

    ignorance is bliss?

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    • daydreamer394

      I'm neither ignorant nor blissful.

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  • Echoes

    Yeah I've noticed that, atheist do look down on religious people. Being an atheist or religious is a choice. Other's choices should be respected.

    I'm no atheist nor religious either and I don't care what others believe as long as they don't try to force their beliefs on me.

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  • confusedteen33

    I am no atheist but there's no one right way to live life. There's no "I am better." Is a rich man more than a poor man? No they just do different things with their lives than one another.

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  • monnas

    More evolved, yes. Religious folk stopped evolving mentally centuries ago.

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    • daydreamer394

      Do you smoke?

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  • Jen118584

    It's about as normal as the way Christians look down on everyone who isn't Christian....In my experience, Christians are the most closed-minded, judgmental people on the planet.

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    • daydreamer394

      In that case we have a shocking case of reverse psychology going on.

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    • karthiknathan

      believing god and believing religious is different,

      If you belive in god, nothing will happen, but if you belive in religious, then you will become terrorist.

      What is mean by god, and what is mean by religious? differentiate ......

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    • Kiddles9

      Actually I've been reading comments on the internet. And it seems as though 90% of people are atheist or just don't believe in anything at all. Which to me is sad. If you don't believe what is there? I'm not saying one religion is better than another but I do find a lot of atheist look down on people who believe saying 'There's no proof' 'You're brainwashed' I never push my beliefs but I find many atheist do. I'm not saying all but I've seen a lot that do more so than any actual religion.

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  • It's normal for atheists since like 90% of them are douchebags

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  • xino00

    Atheist are all going to hell!


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    • their hell is their heaven and fallen angels leave them alone

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  • Schythl

    Does it make me superior? Yes, I guess it does.

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    • daydreamer394

      You feel that way because it makes you feel better about yourself ... why do you need to feel better about yourself?

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  • Atheist here

    tell god to blow me hbhahbhabha fuckers

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    What's funny is atheism is kind of it's own belief system, Having faith only in what can be tested. Better to believe in less and just have lots of ideas, because ideas can always change. :)

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  • dom180

    I am an atheist, and I think that we all equal, religious or otherwise. And by the way, it isn't that 90% of atheists are arseholes, just 90% of the internet. If you don't meet many sensible atheists, I can see why most religious folk think that we hate them, because that is what mainstream media and most internet hypocrites tells you. I hope that this comment is evidence that not all atheists suck ;)

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  • TheGasManCometh

    Btw, where I say "men", it is only to avoid the tedious necessity of typing "men and women".

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  • JaqulynnRenee

    i am an atheist. it has made me very sad and ive lost all hope. i wish i believed in something. many times i think of religious followers as stupid. other times i am jealous of their joy.

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  • Lacrymosa

    That's annoying.

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  • BoredGuy

    I'm atheist, but is nit something I choose. is something is concluded. humans advantage over other species is their brain size and capability to reason. therefor is natural for ppl that use this reason more efficiently to feel more in place with their nature, therefor "superior"

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  • rosselliot

    I DO THAT!!!!!!! then again I feel superior to many (religious or not)

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  • grim-x-butcher

    Atheism should be classified as a religion I myself am no atheist or religious person but fuck it's all the same who cares way you believe in so what someone believes in go someone else believes in Richard Dawkins why does I matter?

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