Is it normal for being a doctor to be hard work?
I'm Dr Gron, and I find the helping out of random sick people with the Four Humours is hard work. There's stress, patients who hate me, those who think I'm being cruel, but it's all to save your life. I feel the pressures of my amateur work are hard work, I have to take the sugar away, invent theories of what's wrong with the patients and put them on a diet, and even take the cigarettes away from them for the balance of the humours. I learned for 3 months all about the Four Humours which I find superior to alchemy. The first time I tried it on myself was risking my health and that's how I learned that two or more seasons mustn't be mixed, ever, because to know what I'm doing is to do one of the four seasons at a time, the result being that heavy feeling after combining seasons. This is literally like doing brain surgery on myself and is dangerous if I get it wrong, I never made mistakes since. I usually don't call myself a doctor, but a medical healer. And on the mental side even the thinking is hard work, I deal with health, sickness and mental illness and once again it's gruelling, hard work. Is that normal?