Is it normal for coffee to knock me out?

Doesn't help me stay awake at all. Every time I drink it I just want to go to bed roughly 1-2 hours later. I've even used it as a sleep aid due to (preexisting) insomnia and been waking up feeling pretty refreshed. This is both regular and 1/2 caff coffee that has this effect. Hell, even getting full-on baked to the point where I have chills and shakes doesn't put me under like this (though is a lot better for my mood).

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44% Normal
Based on 16 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • charli.m

    Amazing what google can do.

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    • LornaMae


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    • Necron

      Oh. Awesome! Thanks for that! xD

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      • charli.m

        No worries.

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  • cvltcvnt

    People with ADHD or Autism often find that caffeine has the opposite effect of the neurotypical population. Basically, it acts as a sedative for them. This may be the case for you, look into it.

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    • Necron

      Okay, yeah, last time I went to a therapist he did say I potentially had Asperger's syndrome, but I was never given a formal diagnosis.

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      • cvltcvnt

        Must of been awhile ago, since, at least in the USA, Asperger's is no longer part of the DSM (it's just autism now). Either way, if the possibility has already been presented to you, it's likely the case that that's why coffee sedates you, formal diagnosis or no. Doctors don't see a point in diagnosing sometimes unless you're seeking accommodation for something. Either way, enjoy your sleeping aid, dude

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  • lordofopinions

    Coffee is an upper. It's normal to get sleepy after your "high" comes down.

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    • Necron

      Yeah, no, I'm referring to not getting the "high" at all

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