Is it normal for dandruff patches marked in red circles to be in your hair>

I really need your help. Lately the title has been happening in my hair. I need your help so that I can see the dermatologist in a week and take care of it.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    When the doctor sees your scalp he, or she will know what's wrong, and what should be done.

    Rickety Cricket on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia has ringworm.

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    • charli.m


      "I need you to diagnose something you can't see and aren't qualified to diagnose so that I can go to a specialist" is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

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  • nikkiclaire

    Seriously, if that was happening you wouldn't be waiting a week with your nasty, hair dandruff, ringworm shit.

    Go to a clinic. You're probably infesting your house with hair crabs.

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  • Boojum

    That's a symptom of hair cancer.

    Seriously, I'm with the other responders: it's almost certainly nothing serious, but having it checked out is a very good decision on your part. If you want, you can Google it and get yourself all wound up about all the ghastly things it could be, but there's not much point, since you don't have to do DIY diagnosis and treatment.

    I don't know where you live, but in Britain qualified pharmacists (not the counter staff) can diagnose and suggest treatments for minor ailments. They should also know when something is beyond their competence and should be examined by a doctor.

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  • Tato

    If you've already pointed a meeting with a professional there's not much to do except wait. I don't think doctors like it when patients come with their own diagnoses.

    In the meanwhile, don't scratch (in case you really have to, gently use your finger pads) and use a dandruff shampoo.

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    • LornaMae

      They don't? So my 3 medical residencies issued by Google mean nothing??? Don't take that away from me!

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  • Ellenna

    You don't really need our help if you're seeing a professional next week, but my guess is that you have much more than just dandruff. It could be head lice or an allergic reaction.

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