Is it normal for dogs to excessively whine?
Seriously, he always squeals really loud, especially when people are outside.
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Seriously, he always squeals really loud, especially when people are outside.
train a dog by hitting it? morons. dogs are pure love. they live to please you. but you wouldn't see that. too dumb
Klodikesam, ur an idiot. Nobody listen to him. First, u have to figure out wats wrong, if u cant, or if its something u cant fix, then distract the dog, or give him a light wack. One that says "i dont hate you, but u've got to stop that"
Have you researched the type of breed your dog is? Has your dog been exposed to a lot of people before, with confrontation, petting? if it is only happening when your dog sees people, this can be pretty normal, a territory thing, or excitement and in some cases it can be agression basically saying keep away. You should make sure though that he or she is healthy with your vet if he or she is doing this inside the house too on a constant basis. If this is a big problem you may want to consider training. Also if your pet is good with other dogs, you should put he or she in dog daycamp, this is a great way to release the inner child in these pets and calm them down!
You need to cut a thick switch, and every time he makes whatever noise annoys you, hit him across the snout, not a little tap, a hit that will make him tuck his tail between his legs and run for cover. That's the only way to break him of the squealing, otherwise, you'll just have to keep putting up with it until one day you snap and beat him to a bloody pulp. It's your choice.