Is it normal for each planet with life to have a son god visit it?
On earth, Jesus came to Humans as the son of god.
On other planets in the vast universe, has god sent other sons in the form of the life on their planet?
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On earth, Jesus came to Humans as the son of god.
On other planets in the vast universe, has god sent other sons in the form of the life on their planet?
Come on, are we even trying anymore? How could anyone on this planet, aside from some Soviet scientist who knows too fuckin' much, know that?
You must know that this question can't be answered definitively. Quit it.
This question was actually asked by the Soviet scientist who knows too much. Isn't he lonely?
And this comes from a lady who asked: "is it normal for a fetus to have cravings" quit it yourself.
A pregnant women could have answered it from experience. Someone with familiarity with neo-natal neurology could have answered it from scientific knowledge. Sorry if you're unfamiliar with these concepts but that doesn't make that question any less valid.
However, there is no objective authority capable of verifying the normal/abnormal quality of this question with any degree of certainty. Takes some thinking to figure out, but I'm assuming you can accomplish it.
Sorry but the only entity that can truly know if a fetus has cravings is the fetus.
What empirical test could be performed to establish if the fetus had a craving?
So your question is the same as mine, you want subjective opinion from people who know about the field.
I am sure religious scholars have contemplated god and the wider universe, possibility of life on other planets and have an opinion.
Isn't Jesus a man made thing, though? Humans can't even settle on having one God either. So you'd have to find out if there were living things on other planets who could come up with something like Jesus. Either way, I don't know how I could answer this question, I haven't even been on another planet.:'(
Man created his god in his own image.
So no doubt, on some other planet, sentient lumps of jelly have created a lump-of-jelly-god in their own image, and claim to have been visited by Blob, son-of-lump-of-jelly-god.
And then they squelch around preaching love, peace, respect to fellow lumps of jelly, and killing any lumps of jelly that don't believe in their particular concept of Blob.