Is it normal for entomophobia to keep me awake at night?

First off, entomophobia is the irrational fear of insects. Where I live is very hot and humid and especially in the summer we get alot of bugs of different variety in the house. I'm terrified of all of them. I see them as mini aliens. My greatest fear is things crawling over my skin. Its gotten so bad that I can't sleep at night because I lie in bed at night thinking something is gonna crawl in the room and into bed with me. In bed I sometimes get sensations of tiny insects crawling over my skin, but there is nothing visibly there. I tried fumigation on my mattress but it still occurs.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Genabeaver

    sometimes if you don't shave your legs the hairs kinda make it feel like something is crawling around. Happens to me all the time and it freaks me out. But for the phobia, it may stick with you for a long time but you can put it at ease with some therapy. Hope everything goes well c:

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    • Oh I didn't know that, yeah that makes sense, thanks!

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  • Skitzo1

    Haha, your a human, your what? 200,000 times bigger than insects? Swat them away. The sensation can be overcome, but its borderline normal. Its like getting a shiver down your spine i suppose. As weird as it sounds, i got over my fear of spiders when i was 5 by holding them more often, i got used to their movements and that they dont want to drain my fluids. But crawl away and have a gander at "whas poppin'. They are probably just curious. And as for feeling they are on you, you say you live in a hot country, if you sweat at night this can give you the sensation, i get it quite alot when i swear at night and stuff. If you think of bugs as mini-aliens, they think of you as a gigantic alien. The saying goes, they are just as afraid of you, if not more so, they are just too stupid to know your a living titan called a human, they probably just smelled something they like.

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    • Skitzo1

      sweat* not swear, haha im such a loser.

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    It's not normal favor any phobia to keep you from loosing sleep. You can cure it be desensitization. If not tell your doctor. Also, if there really are a lot of bugs in your house, either move or inspect the whole perimeter and caulk the entrances.

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  • thanks guys all comments were really helpful

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    If it's that much of a problem it might be worthwhile to invest in a mosquito net, though I would reccomend trying to get over this. Like DADNSCAL said, desensitize yourself in slow steps, first by being around a bug and work your way up to letting it sit on your hand or something. It'll just make your life more comfortable in the long run if you can get over this phobia.

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  • NiceKitty

    Lay off of the meth.
    These bugs are all in your head.

    Nah really though, try to overcome your irrational fear. Let a big crawl on ya, and you'll freak, which gets your adrenaline pumping, the adrenaline dies down, and so does your energy level, which will help you sleep.

    Yeah? No?

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    • No lol

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  • Short4Words

    This is something you'll likely have to overcome mentally, and it can be done. Can any of these bugs even harm you?

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    • I'm not sure, there are a few that I haven't been able to identify. I'm not sure what they are. I'm having a big spring clean today of my house and I'm getting an exterminator in, to put a barrier around the house. Hopefully that will give me some peace of mind.

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