Is it normal for everyone to be afraid of you?

Everyone is afraid of me. I generally don't give anyone a direct reason to be afraid of me. I don't (usually) openly menace anyone. I don't have a reputation based on anything like violence or harassment.

People SHOULD be afraid of me, but since I didn't give them an outward reason to be, I'm not totally sure why everyone is afraid. I guess they sense the 'evil'.

My landlord was so scared to come ask me for the rent, I lived here for a year for free before he timidly came and asked me to start paying. I could tell he had to get up a lot of courage to come over and his voice was shaky. It amused me.

Is it normal? Is there someone you know that you're afraid of for no concrete reason? If yes, explain please.

Voting Results
22% Normal
Based on 97 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 59 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Hmm...wanna fight? Bring it, free loader!

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    • cigs

      ? am i the free loader

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  • VioletTrees

    Hmm. I have to consciously remind myself to look friendly and smile at people. Otherwise people assume that I'm angry or extremely sad, due to a mild case of chronic bitch face (CBS). I've gotten pretty good at it now, though.

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    • VioletTrees

      It's not "chronic bitch sace". You'll have to excuse me. It's past 5 AM, and I'm still awake.

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    • Shackleford96

      Chronic bitch syndrome?

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      • Navilluschizo

        What I thought as well. Nice....

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      • VioletTrees

        Nah, it's just my face.

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        • OswaldCobblepot

          Sure it is. :-P

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        • Shackleford96

          Hmm, it seems like I heard somewhere that facial expressions can have a direct impact on a person's mood. I don't know how accurate that claim is though.

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    • sYki

      Lol you! Funny how that works, it's a potential paradox.

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  • awesometodd

    Do you have a beard? When I had one, people were terrified.

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  • Shroot

    another troll post

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Why SHOULD they be afraid of you?
    Are you a mass murderer who's picture was on the news? Then I'd know why they're scared.

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  • manii92

    I'm not afraid of you...

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  • Terence_the_viking

    This post made me poop a little. :S

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    • Justsomejerk

      Time to change your name to somepoopie

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  • Mando

    I doubt anyone is as daft as you make out for being apprehensive around you because you're the one who is deliberately menacing. Being a bully is no feat.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Do you have warts? The last time I was afraid of someone for no reason it was because she had warts on her face and i had never seen that before.

    So, it must be something about your physical appearance. Perhaps you look young but are partially bald with bulging eyeballs or perhaps you are a giant black man. I don't know. But physical features like these can be scary to some people.

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    • No, I have no physical deformities or anything. My looks are above average-not model-esque but not plain. I'm not over or under weight. There IS something scary about my appearance obviously but I have no idea what.

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  • Sounds like you want to be feared, and so took one little reason and expanded it to everyone.

    You don't sound like someone I would be afraid of at all.

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    • I didn't mean that was the ONLY sign I ever got that people were afraid of me. That's just one rather significant example, since who the fuck gets to live rent-free for a year and gets sheepishly asked to begin paying? I'd say most people don' get away with being more than a month late on payments before someone is coming around wanting the money or evicting them. I could list many examples but I'm not trying to convince anyone over the internet, honestly, what would be the point? I KNOW people fear me, I'm not asking that, I don't need anyone online to confirm this for me. I'm asking about you guys' personal experiences with this, whether it's you that's feared or if there's a person you fear.

      I wouldn't say I want to be feared, but I've become accustomed to it since it's been a lifelong thing for me and it is good in many circumstances however it's bothersome in some as well.

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      • If they feared you, they wouldn't of had you living in their building. If you are going to try say that it is because they are afraid to say no to you, they could of and would of used other forms of communication, such as the internet or phone.

        You're trying to convince me that you are feared. I am not convinced. I know plenty of people that think they are feared, which they end up knowing they are not.

        Yes, I have been feared a few times by people, as a few thought I was a murderer. Just because one or two incidents happen does not equal you being fearful. Looking unapproachable, or looking angry does not equal looking feared, as many people don't understand.

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        • They didn't let me in here. they became owners after I had already lived here. They don't have my phone number or email-all they have is my physical address for contacting me. The original owners rented to me sight unseen as I was moving from about 1200 miles away. I didn't pay them properly either. Anyway I'm not sure what your point is since I said I didn't need confirmation, I'm old enough and had enough experiences to know. Obviously no one over the internet would be able to judge this properly so whatever you say about it is of no significance. I wasn't asking anyway.

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          • Sorry, but that sounds rather badly scripted, as I know quite a few landowners, and the fact that they did not ask for any other ways of communication just makes me hold this in disbelief.
            But given that the previous landowners gave it to you sight unseen, and that you lived 1200 miles away so they could not physically contact you, the previous land owners must of had some form of communication such as the net or phone, in which case, if you were feared, they would simply mail you or phone you saying you do not have the place.

            I still do not believe this is true, nor find you fearful.
            You're not convincing me of anything.

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            • Of course they HAD my phone number. The phone number that I changed once I moved here. When people move 1200 miles away they typically change their number. Who said they didn't ask for new information? They did. I didn't respond to the letter and they did nothing about it.

              I don't understand why you still think I'd expect you to fear me over the internet. That wasn't ever the intent of the post so I'm not sure why you keep saying that. Again, I'm not trying to convince you to fear me. I couldn't care less about that. But you're trying to call me a liar about my rent story, which is annoying, but if you seriously have so many questions about it I'll be glad to answer them for you I guess. If I was going to make up a story to try to get people to fear me, then why would I make it about rent and not drinking puppy blood in front of a kindergarten class? I don't need to make anything up.

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  • CraneyCrow

    This is just a troll post, that is, totally fabricated!

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  • dappled

    I've been told four or five times in the last month or so that I'm intimidating when really I'm just a cute, fuzzy tiger who growls behind closed doors and wants to be let in so that I can knock you to the ground and roll around a bit.

    Actually, maybe that's why.

    Grarrwwwrrr! :D

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    • howaminotmyself

      My cat like monster was crying and scratching at the door when I read this. I opened the door and he proceeded to dance in circles and chirp a few times as he entered the room. He looks cute and sweet now but come evening time he will have knocked over any containers full of liquid that were left out, all small objects will be under the couch, his face will be in my food bowl, and his teeth and claws will be in my leg or arm. So I will knock him to the ground with a thud and he runs back for more. I think he enjoys being dizzy because spinning circles on the wood floor is a rather fun game to him. He still attacks anything that moves (he is rather fond of my hair) but I let him get away with it because sometimes all he wants is belly rubs. And I don't care how intimidating he may seem, once you find a soft spot, the intimidation justs melts away.

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      • cigs

        as i is said thanks for the help

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        • howaminotmyself

          You're welcome.

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      • dappled

        I am convinced he is related to my ex's cat. If you also catch him glowering at you from the top of the stairs and launching attacks using a rear-guard action, they are definitely siblings. If he's also a foot fetishist, they're clones.

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        • howaminotmyself

          Hmmm, maybe. He does do this weird sideways pounce as one of his attack methods. But not off the stairs, he's been kicked down them enough times to avoid feet on stairs. (I swear it was an accident.)

          Right now he is currently torturing my other cat who is twice his size and refuses to fight back. I guess that's what we get for giving him a name that can also mean monster. :\

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    • Shackleford96

      Identity crisis?

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      • dappled

        lol, yes, I really miss being tiger. I think I always will. There was something so great about it that doesn't follow through to being dappled. :/

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        • Shackleford96

          Yeah Frosties is and always will be a legend :)

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    • VioletTrees

      It's the cuteness that's so intimidating. How are we supposed to compete with that?

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      • dappled

        Aww, you don't have to compete. You just have to stroke my tail and say nice things.

        Which, coincidentally, is also what I say when I'm on a first date.

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        • cigs

          hey dappled i gotta say you are the smartest one here.

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  • Imsupernormal

    obvious troll is obvious

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  • lovestofuc

    I get that alot myself. I am not a mean person or a violent person. However I stand 6'4" tall and go about 250 I also has a very deep loud voice. I don't try to scare people however I feel people should either love me, respect me, or they better be afraid of me.

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  • you fake fellas know who i am

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  • *.no*but*one*day*i*may*run*into*one*that*is
    why are you scared/.

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  • Bullshit. 1 year without paying rent? Lol bullshit.

    They would have called the cops after a couple of months. This happened to me when i was 14. My moms bf didn't have the rent for 2 months. Cops came and kicked us out. Put all of our stuff on the front lawn.

    You are full of shit lolz. It's ok tho :)

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    • Well exactly, normally no one can get away with not paying rent for long, let alone a year, which is why I used this as my example. Duh.

      I could have described how people tend to avoid me in social situations, but that can be due to a number of reasons, including but not limited to, fear. Fear wouldn't be the MOST likely reason for avoiding someone you don't 'know' in a social situation. So, I excluded that.

      So I give a real example, yet you think I am lying. OK, well that's on you.

      I used one of the most pertinent examples, but it's consistent with many other examples in my life, when clearly I'M in the wrong and did dirty to another party yet most of the time they don't confront me at all, and when they DO confront me, it's in a very sheepish manner, ASKING me to right the wrong I did upon them and not demanding it as they would with most others. If that's not fear then what IS it???

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  • "My landlord was so scared to come ask me for the rent, I lived here for a year for free before he timidly came and asked me to start paying. I could tell he had to get up a lot of courage to come over and his voice was shaky. It amused me."

    That did not happen.

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    • why didn't it- was this fake. my landlord evicted us for staying to long because he was paying for all of our utilities we just paid the rent he payed the most.

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    • Um, yeah, it DID happen. You jealous?

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  • Its in your interactions with other people. People aren't scared by others at a first glance unless they're stupid, or if the person has an obvious deformity or is holding a weapon or something. If you dont feel like you come off as being aggressive or easily angered, then its probably body language. Could be tone of voice, facial expressions or some other body language that comes off as abrasive or intimidating

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  • boston12

    i think i think ur scarey, people probly think ur a fucko

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  • meowith

    Well maybe it is that you give intimidating vibes and look intimidating. Just like how an asshole cop lurks around and gives you dirty looks or says something for no reason!

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  • normalhuman

    Seriously? A year for free? Maybe you frown a lot or you don't smile. They might just have a wrong impression.

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