Is it normal for everyone to be rich?

Except me. I am poor. Have money, yes, but no friends, no job, no one to love me. Not any more.

I drank old ale, hahah. Do you know that? Is that normal?

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 5 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • olderdude-xx

    1st. Not everyone is "Rich". That might be the top 10% to the top 3%. The Top 3% is wealthy.

    You are rich if you have substantial financial resources and still have to work for your money.

    You are wealthy if your money works for you and you no longer have to have any kind of job.

    Poverty has similar statistics on the bottom of the economic range.

    You can work your way out of poverty. Key is to find a library and start to read self help books on becoming better in life.

    I suggest starting with "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy, which covers how to become successful at almost anything.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Maybe you have more character

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    • I must admit that I am quite pessimistic, also about myself, but I consider myself to be a bad person. Not as bad as other people but still bad. I know that I have done and am doing many things wrong, and I am certainly not the most social or fair person. There are also positive qualities, but I often think the negative ones outweigh them and that's the reason why people don't want to have anything to do with me.

      However, I also know that many of my negative qualities come from traumatic events that I can no longer work through because they have become so entrenched, they have become a part of me.

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