Is it normal for guys to pee out the backyard


So my boyfriend likes to pee outside in the backyard.

He was renting before and his backyard stunkkkk of gross stuff and urine. Now he has bought a house and I'm half living there, soon to be moving in permenantly.

I enjoy sitting outside eating, drinking, exercising etc and i don't want to smell pee while I'm doing it!. When he has gatherings all the guys pee outside aswell because my boyfriend lets them!. We have two toilets! Why can't they use them!. We already have 3 dogs doing their thing in the backyard... We don't need grown men doing it too? Why do men do it? And should i be more stern to enforce the rule of no peeing in the backyard?! It really irritates me.

Yes it's normal 52
It's not normal 19
Tell him/them not too, it's gross. 19
Leave them to it 10
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Comments ( 18 )
  • VirgilManly

    I got news for you. . . Those big clumps of shit in the yard aint doggy-doo.

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    • CorruptedSoul


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  • ThingTwo

    Awww, lighten up. When the moon is full, go out there yourself, squat and pee. Enjoy that liberated feeling. The rain rinses it all away anyway.

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  • I piss off the porch all the time. It keeps the wild animals away by letting them know it's my territory.

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  • Sounds like your boyfriend and his friends are immature and crude.

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  • Diaperdean

    What your probably smelling is the dog poop. There's really nothing wrong with peeing in the grass. And the first time it rains it will just make the grass grow greener. Dog poop stink tho and that is undoubtedly where the odor is coming from. In fact, you should try heading on out into the back yard pulling down your panties and peeing with him. You might find it liberating. It's fun going potty outside!! ;)

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  • SickToad

    Its saving water for one thing! Why flush 3 gallons down the drain? You need to start peeing outside too! Come on IIN lets start a movement! Pee on your lawn and trees! Pee in your water filters! Pee in your hot water heater! Pee in your ice trays! Pee in your cars radiator! Take a golden shower in the morning! Let us save the world!!!

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  • mysistersshadow

    Next time all the guys are over you should join them and see how he feels about you doing it to. If he has a problem with you joining in he needs to put a stop to every one doing it or he'll be a hypocrit. But take my word on this you should practice a little first in case he calls your bluff it works best in a dress with out panties.

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  • sticknup

    I live in a secluded home.. I can work in my yard naked.. I like being able to take a piss if I need to go.. I understand the smell and I try not to go in the same place all the time.. When I was growing up the guys pissed behind the wood shed.. We did not have inside pluming at the time.. My Dad installed the pluming and made a bathroom but if we were outside the guys still pissed out behind the wood shed.. Mom walked out of the house one time and caught me pissing, but excused herself and went on..

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    My brother and i did this for years when we came home from elementary school. It was a ritual sort of.

    Why? Because we could, it felt good.

    I'm gonna say NORMAL

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  • Beach_Bro

    It is normal for guys to prefer to pee outside. There may be something to the concept of "marking your territory" because boys and men have a natural urge to pee outdoors.

    A coworker had a backyard party after a football game with both men and women. We sat on either side of a long picnic table. My friend's roommate ( a very handsome guy) was sitting next to me. At one point, he stood up, turned arond to face the flowerbed, and peed. I thought that it was hilarious! A few minutes later, my friend was next. He was sitting on the other side of the table. He got up and walked over to the flowerbed near the house. He stood profile to the table and let loose in full view. I loved it! The girls did not seem to mind in the least that the guys peed so casually right in front of them. After a few beers and a few bowls, I had to go, and took advantage of the flowerbed behind me. Many guys don't feel the need for privacy when they pee, but we often seek it out of respect for people that are with us who would be offended to see us in action. But once we know that it's okay to pee in the backyard no matter who is there, it's game on!

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  • MissKira

    Guys pee on stuff, its what they do! lol I remember growing up my brother would pee outside and in the backyard all the time, in the sandbox a few times, and once on my barbi playhouse >.<

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  • sparklegirl

    if its an emergency yes. But not all the time.It would be too awkward if some one caught you

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  • RoseIsabella

    Why are you still with him? People don't change their ways unless they want to do so, and since his friends are just like him it's even more unlikely that he'll ever change. I bet he does plenty more stupid things that you don't like.

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    • peaches1992

      No, this is probably the most annoying gross thing he does. I wouldn't break up with him over it. That's abit harsh. Just wanted to find out if other ppl think it's gross.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yeah, it's pretty gross, but there are worse things?

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  • peaches1992

    Thanks everyone, just don't want it to turn out like the last house he was renting. There was only one dog there, so most of the smell was from the blokes. And it literally stunk, and it was through winter too. Rain did not get rid of the smell!

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  • Ellenna

    If I were you I'd find a boyfriend who's fully toilet trained. The occasional pee in the backyard is OK, but to the point that you can smell it is not, unless it's the 3 dogs poo & piss making the yard smell.

    However, I guess if you're living in his house it's his rules

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