Is it normal for her to be like this?

My girlfriend fears too much almost everything she is always scared like for example were watching TV and the phone day at her family's her father came in talking she got scared that everyone noticed also she can't go outside alone when it's late and other things that I wouldn't this mainly normal?

I know it's sounds strange or less interesting to answer this but it matters.


Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 44 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • bodazzy

    The squirrel

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  • MonchichiLuvsu

    It seems to me she's just easily startled for the most part. As for not wanting to go outside alone when it's dark, I completely understand. I live in a big city and it's certainly not the best idea to let your guard down, especially as a woman. Not because we can't defend ourselves, but we're much more likely to be targeted.

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  • MariaHx

    There's not much information but I'm leaning towards no.

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  • bodazzy

    this is big yoh

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