Is it normal for her to do this?

Soooooo, I have a ferret. I bought my little love back in December. She's so sweet and she likes to lick me and she'll let me hold her for about 1 minute and then she'll want down. I have no idea if she just doesn't like me or if she doesn't like being held. I really want to cuddle with her but she won't let me. I'm afraid she doesn't like me that much and I don't want her getting depressed. my mom will only let me have one ferret and she's only six months old. I'm just wondering is it normal for her to be like this? I want to cuddle with her but she won't let me. :((

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83% Normal
Based on 18 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Nokiot9

    Young ferrets are just bundles of energy. Her heart beats at such a rate that it's difficult for her to sit still like we do. She sees time pass much faster than we do. So your minute is her half hour. I'm sure when she gets a bit older she'll slow down and enjoy being petted and held more. My rats are the same way. When they're young, they are just big wigglers.

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I've never been around a ferret and don't know what they're like but jeez, settle down. Maybe she just isn't the cuddly type. Animals have personalities too y'know

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    • athenababe

      yeah, but I mean I know a few people who have ferrets and they all like cuddling. it just makes me think she hates me.

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