Is it normal for hermit crabs to care for each other?
I have two hermit crabs Dash and Layla. I know that hermit crabs are very social despite their name, but I can't find anything on the internet about them specifically caring for one another. They travel in groups of hundreds. So Dash is the size of a baseball and Layla is the size of a quarter. She crawls on his back and they work together to escape and help each other. I once put a toy Alligator in their tank and put Layla near it on top of their hut. Dash came to her rescue and drug her to safety, you could tell he was aggressive toward the alligator. Now she has been burying herself which is normal once a year to molt(they become very vulnerable) but she couldn't cover herself with sand all the way so Dash sat over her placing sand grain by grain over her so she was well hidden. He can push sand and bury her fast if he wanted but he sat there for hours loosely placing sand over her. They're always together. Is this normal? Could it be hermy love?