Is it normal for it to be hard to open up to people?

I hold my tongue almost all the time. I think I feel like what I feel isn't important so why bother saying anything? I think this might stem from my parents not caring about what I feel. I know holding everything in is bad and I can tell its taking a toll on me. But I just can't force myself to open up. I'd rather just keep my thoughts inside my head and this has escalated to me becoming a very secluded, anti social person. I was never like this, I don't know what's happened. Does anyone experience the same problem? Am I normal?

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 77 votes (67 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Maya05

    Not sure if it's normal or not, but I'm the same way as well. I don't feel like my opinion is very important or it's just too much effort to explain it. Also I just have an automatic assumption that no one really cares about my opinion.

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  • XxPattycakexX

    I'm with you on this one! I come from a family that does not really open up a lot. I was always taught to hide my feelings. So it's really hard for me to open up. It's completely normal! You just have to find someone that you trust completely. I didn't open up to my bf until almost 7 months. Having healthy relationships help a lot.

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  • tori

    I'm the same way. Holding my tounge. Like my opinions don't matter. But I think I'm getting better. My mother in law who was the devils bride, used to be so critical of everything I did and say. Even her own son and grandchildren were not worthy in her presence. I never said anything because I didn't want to rock the boat. But since her death, she has given me the gift of speaking up. I now try to say my feelings more often. I feel better about myself. I can sleep at night without tossing and turning wishing I should have said this or that.
    It's hard, I know. Just try simple things at first.
    Those old feelings still come back from time to time, but just knowing Everytime I do talk I feel just that much better.

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  • q25t

    I'm the same way and for the same reasons, but I don't think we're normal.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sometimes it's easier to open up to a complete stranger.

    Come one spill your guts.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I tend to have a hard time interfering in conversations for different reasons. One is that I don't like to talk unless I know what I'm talking about, so to fix that I learned more about my interests so I'd have more to say about them. Another thing is that, in conversation, I enjoy asking questions for than making statements. I used to ask my mom many questions she didn't know the answer to when I was a child and she got tired of saying "I don't know" and so replaced it with "shut up". I basically had to teach myself it was ok, and even beneficial, to ask questions. So be your own parent, teach yourself that your opinions are important to you and to those around you and you will succeed.

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  • Plasma1813

    I'm the same way, for kinda the same reasons. Some people are to open, some are not open at all. I think it's what ever you think is best.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    That seriously annoys the piss out of me.
    I HATE it when I am talking to someone and they hardly speak back to me. I usually just assume that someone does not like me if they are not talking back to me or telling me about themselves. I hate it when I try to be friends with someone and they never open up to me, I assume that they don't like me or that they don't trust me. After all, if you don't like someone, you're not going to talk to them.

    This has probably killed a great many friendships for me lately because back when I had the spare time, I would persist at someone until they either opened up or told me to fuck off. Nowadays, I just leave them alone because I don't have the time to play those fucking games.

    For the sake of the people around that might be like me who would like to get to know you, if someone talks to you, talk back to them because otherwise, they think you don't like them. The worst they could do is hurt your feelings and if you're a grown adult and can't handle some hurt feelings then you have more problems than you think you do.

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    • sYki

      nice...making these people feel worse about themselves... and you wonder why they don't want to talk to you....

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        wow. you really took my post the wrong way.

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        • sYki

          Oh, I think I may have and if I did I sincerely apologize. On first read I understood it as you being the opposite of this person and you'd say whatever you want whenever you want and you'd resent them for not opening up to you. After your 2nd comment I read it as you can relate to the OP and try to open up to others and they act like snobs or they act like dicks. If that's the case then again I sincerely apologize.

          If someone doesn't say stuff back however try to reconsider what the OP is saying, it may not be cause they don't like you or don't want to talk with you.

          "I hold my tongue almost all the time. I think I feel like what I feel isn't important so why bother saying anything?... I know holding everything in is bad and I can tell its taking a toll on me. But I just can't force myself to open up. I'd rather just keep my thoughts inside my head and this has escalated to me becoming a very secluded, anti social person."

          You may be pushing to hard for some and after enough pressure they may just tell you to fuck off, that still doesn't always mean they don't want you around they just don't want to talk all the time.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            It's not necessarily pushing. It's mainly that I try to include them in some of my "social times" and usually when they don't participate, I assume they don't like me (and often I find out that it's actually just their shyness). Some people honestly interpret someone not talking to them despite being spoken to as "this person doesn't like me", so being shy hurts you in more ways than one.

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  • Energy

    I can be that way sometimes.

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