Is it normal for me to be afraid of nubs?
-..Amputations.. Extra body parts. Ones that are missing. Freaks me out man. And people tell me im terrible for it. This is just a little part of me.
Is it normal, or not?
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-..Amputations.. Extra body parts. Ones that are missing. Freaks me out man. And people tell me im terrible for it. This is just a little part of me.
Is it normal, or not?
Sure. The thought of something different like that upsets you. But if you were actually exposed to anyone with an amputation you would quickly see its no big deal and accept it. What's important is how you deal with your feelings so as not to allow ignorance, fears and prejudices to diminish the dignity of another person. That would be very wrong.
My dick looks like a nub and I'm sure you would be afraid of it's monster size, Glenn
I will admit that people with nubbles make me slightly squirmish, but it's only because I'm imagining what it must be like. I get a numb tingling sensation in the corresponding body part and it freaks me out a little. It feels weird to imagine what it would be like to have "ghost limb" syndrome where you feel that it's there and yet it's not there. I don't shun or avoid nubby people though, I just don't stare and try not to think about it.
She's Nubs by NOFX
It's kinda hard to wear high heels, or slip on banana peels
How does she get in and out of tubs
I hope she dont get mad, I hope she thinks this song is good not bad
Cause we think that she's totally rad, she's nubs.
No fingers, no toes, she doesn't own elbows,
No phalanges no knobby knees to knock
She don't need knuckles or hands to go see punk rock bands
She's always in the stands, she's nubs
She can't pick up a phone, she can't get dressed alone
She's got no funny bone, she's nubs
No shoes for feet but we sure do think she's neat, she's nubs, she's nubs, she's nubs.
I asked her if she want a drink, I asked her if she liked Toronto,
I asked her to go out to the bar, but all she said was no thanks, no and no
It was time for us to leave, so I grabbed and shook her sleeve
and told her I'd see her at the next club she got into a pack
and some guy put her on his back, she said goodbye and kinda waved her stub
She's got beauitful eyes, and breasts regular size,
but without calves and thighs, she's nubs
It's hard to give good head or get tied to a bed,
when all you've got is a body and head, she's nubs
She's nubs, She's nubs, She's nubs...
Oh she may not walk the walk, and she may not like to talk
But boy she sure knows how to rock, she's nubs.
It's normal and it doesn't make you a terrible person. Everyone handles things in a different fashion. When I was a child I was very squeamish about anything medical related like a deformity or like you, amputees. When I got older, my fear of such things lessened and now I find things like that to be very interesting. I have a variety of eye related phobias and up until recently, sometime last year, I managed to get over my fear of looking at photos of eye related conditions. Slowly immersing yourself into something that scares you is a good way to help overcome that fear. Like when some people who are afraid of heights and flying learn to fly airplanes and thus overcome their fear.
it doesn't freak me out, but it can be a little bit surprising as we are not very used to seeing it. there's nothing wrong about it though, it's just different than the norm we experience everyday. tons of people lost their fingers or legs or arms or hands, but they are still people :)
It is normal I'd say but I knew a girl with just 3 fingers on one of her hands. It didn't mean she carried some disease, its just how things ended up for her. She had friends and acted normal like anyone but there were definitely those who didn't want to be touched by her due to that. I think it is perfectly okay to be freaked out, it does look weird after all. Just make sure not to shun them for it and everything is well.
i knew someone who lost a pinky finger so he had it amputated he was a good person and all but yeah i avoided him for what i could, because he freaked me out. and one time when i was at a pool some lady with a missing leg went into the pool i was in, i then had to leave. thats just me i would have to say it's normal then again thats just me