Is it normal for me to be an athiest when my dad is a priest

i have not told him yet how do you think i should

Voting Results
89% Normal
Based on 90 votes (80 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • howaminotmyself

    You tell him with compassion and love if you decide to tell him.

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  • Faceless

    I read rapist instead of priest. Its way more funny.

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    • Dad

      Religious belief in supernaturals is funny :)

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      • q25t

        Your username being dad could not be more awesome right now

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  • NeuroNeptunian


    You know, when it comes to things like that, unless he is a very open-minded individual I would hold off until you are moved out.

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    • q25t

      Agreed. My sister told my mom (hint: not open minded) that she was only doubting the existence of a higher power and it raised holy hell. Granted, I think this requires an evaluation of your dad as a person as to whether he can accept this or not. I could have told my sister with no doubt it would not go well with my mom which is why I am in your situation as well right now (except the priest part)

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  • fratom

    I would say you don't have a clue about what your talking about and you being an atheist: what has the chosen occupation of your parents to do with you deciding I am atheist: your age is important though whether you have decided your an atheist at 13 15 18 or in your 2o's 30's etc Your could be just one mixed up beautiful creation of GOD

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  • Imposturously_yours

    If my dad was a Buddha it doesn't mean I'm enlightened. You have your own life, choose your own path. Obviously, these things are easier to explain to your family when you turn 18 and actually start your own life. However, if your dad is smart man he understands that religion is a personal choice, not a bloodline.

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  • maybe you considering yourself an atheist is your way of kind of "rebeling" You should look into that; if you want with that to get other people's attention, especially your dad's maybe? I am losing my faith on people I have to say... but I don't think I could ever stop believing in God... I have given up on churches because they were a mere catwalk, where people would bring their bodies and egos, big egos, it was more of a social and political platform. But I love God. Yes, I have lots os questions regarding religion and I believe that God has to be extremely disappointed when he looks down and see what this world is becoming. To say I do not believe that God created the world? I can't... I drive to work -I have a long commute- every day and I can watch part of the sunrise... I can't just pretend that all that beauty and blessing - this canvas - has just... "surfaced" out of nowhere... and that I don't have someone advocating my case somehow upstairs... Peace!

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  • c21smith12

    It is in fact overwhelmingly normal to have a brain, yes. You have a bigger bullshit arsenal than most people have to to sift through in their lives, so you have to come out as an atheist in a big way. Just don't be like your dad and bang little kids in the butt. You get the picture...

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  • Looks like you're the smarter one out of the family.

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  • anti-hero

    Priests can have sex / kids?

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  • MockingVenus

    What wonderful irony. heh. But how does a priest have children?!

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      That's what I was wondering, but I don't know anything about how Catholics do things.

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      • MockingVenus

        Catholic priests are supposed to be celibate! lol

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          Maybe he had kids before he achieved the Priesthood. But I don't think celibacy is a rule for Catholic priests anymore.

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  • flax

    Why do you have to tell him? Is it really that important? I told my grandma I don't believe in anything and she pretty much said "stop talking shit, what else is there to believe in?"...I saw it pointless to discuss this matter with an 83 y/o European woman so I just don't discuss that stuff with my achieves nothing really.

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    I'm sure your father will be saddened by your choice to not follow his lead, but it's your life and the way you lead it is up to you and no one else...despite how you may have been raised! It's not necessary to tell him as long as you respect his beliefs. He's your father and will always love you even if he doesn't approve of your choices in life.

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  • Wendell

    I would say yes just because ironic father son careers seem common (not that atheist is a career)

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  • Mando

    I'd say keep your peace. What would you accomplish? He will know by your behaviour we're you are at and you can be where you are without forcing an unnecessary and divisive conflict. Be respectful of his beliefs, and true to yourself.

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  • atrudixman

    If your father had the full council of the Holy Spirit and a better study of the Bible it would reveal to him this: the priesthood ended when Jesus died on the Cross and by the veil in the temple tearing from top to bottom (Matt.27:51) this mean that while before only the high priest could go beyond the veil into the Holy of Holies where God dwelled but once a month now we all can go we need no priest. Jesus had 3 prophecies to fulfill King, Prophet and High Priest and since the High Priest died on the cross this ended the priesthood and as Rev. 5:10 says we all who believe now become priest and kings. Your father knows that the only priest ever ordained by God were the males in the tribe of Levy. Now who gave man the right to ordain priest? There is no where in the Bible giving this right to a man. Jesus chose the apostles, therefore, men claiming that title is merely out of man made righteousness just as your dad's title as a priest.
    I'm sure he doesn't agree with the pope and Catholic's claiming to be the true church, well here is where the priesthood started for gentiles. Martin Luther left the Catholic church and the priesthood. Let your dad read this then tell him your an atheist the shock for realizing the truth in my statement puts him in a negative light and not just you.

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  • rhythmness93

    some dumb cunt on my facebook posted something like this..."what if I told you you could love jesus, but not be religous? I would say shut up and continue to bash your religion" RIGHT THERE. ignorance and closed minded beliefs. why would you choose to bash another religion? unless you have strong beliefs towards your argument, (which most younger people DON'T) mind you, I am not bashing all athiests. just the ones I have come into contact with.

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    • Dad

      I didn't vote you down.
      But can you re-read your comment then make it a bit clearer? I actually don't know what you actually meant?

      A dumb person posted something religious on your wall?
      You would say shut up and continue bashing religion? (Oh and good for you)
      Unless they had strong 'understandings' and 'knowledge' of their argument (of which not sure which belief or non believer you mean?)
      Then you bring up you don't bash atheists, except ALL the ones you come in contact with? (isn't that a contradiction?)

      I have no idea if you are religious or understanding knowledgeable atheist?
      Nor do I understand your point?

      A dumb christian posted ridiculous religious stuff on your wall. And you are a knowledgeable atheist. That's my best guess.

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      • rhythmness93

        It looks like you spent quite awhile trying to correct something that you misread completely in the first place. wooow.

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      • rhythmness93

        That line, the one you are trying to point out about "saying shut up and bashing your religion" she said that as well. obviously you don't understand how puncuation works.

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      • rhythmness93

        uhh. are you retarded? This was a very clear comment; & no, that is not contradictory. the ""athiests"" that I come in contact with are NOT knowledgable athiests, but they seem to just have an urge to rebel against religion itself. I had no idea I had come into contact with every athiest in the world...dumbass.

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  • rhythmness93

    Athiests are fucking morons. closed minded projectors who don't shut their mouth about some half assed belief system. sorry to all you others, but that's how I see it. I am in no way religious.

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