Is it normal for me to be scared of the dark,

Im 20 and im scared of the dark. I sleep with a teddy bear cause it makes me feel better,i normally would be able to sleep alone in the dark but now i can't. When my sister is home i sleep my with my teddy bear and im fine,but when she goes to spend the night some where i have to have some kind of light and my teddy bear.

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • DiamondEyes4121

    Who can blame you the dark is scary, you should get a night light

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  • IBringIt

    Look, I'm a 30 year old man who has deployed to Iraq twice and I'm nearly terrified of the dark. The dark is scary especially when your mind starts going. It's normal.

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  • TooTabooForYou

    Totally normal! This is something that happens, because humans advances ability to create situations in their heads to prepare for any possible threats. This was more helpful when we lived as hunter gatherers and we rightfully feared the dark or sounds of nearby animals. It is more common for people to realize these fears are unfounded as you age, but I doubt there is a single person who doesn't get the occasional case of the heeby-jeebies. What your talking about sounds like a real phobia though. You may want to talk to someone if it is effecting your life so much

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Ok so sleep with a light on then.

    Personally I find I sometimes sleep better in the day than I do in the night. the sounds of life around me can aid in sleep.

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