Is it normal for me to be so upset about my husbands smoking?
My husband and I have known each other since we were children. I came from a smoking background where as he didn't. Neither of us had ever smoked and I vowed to marry and live smoke free. We both agreed to no smoking in the house and that we would never smoke.
A few years ago, before we married, my husband got a job in which he had to travel a lot. He'd only be home in the weekends. He only worked it for 6-8 months. Somehow, someone got him hooked on going to hookah bars a few months after starting the job. He was so far into it that he brought one home and started smoking it in the house. I would find packets of tobacco all over the house along with pieces of burnt tin foil. He also got our nonsmoking roommate involved and he got his own for his room.
I was furious. Was so upset that I threatened to leave him after 6 years of relationship. As far as I know, he hasen't done it since and Disposed of his device for home use.
Three years later, he has been persuaded by his friends to pick up vaping. Dispite all arguements I've been given, I don't want him to do it. A friend or two visiting every now and then doing it was fine. But now my living room is constantly filled with multi scented pea soup, between him and all his vaping visitors.
On top of that, he will spend $50 at a time at a vape shop claiming he bought for his friends too and that they will pay is back. Mind you he doesn't have a job right now, and if the money is indeed being payed back, I never see it.
Note, his unemployment is previously agreed upon until I get my drivers license. Long story short, I've never had one.
I've told him from day one I didn't even want a vape device in his possession. He never truly smoked and therefore doesn't need to use it to stop. I was told to get over myself.
He said he only smoked nicotine free, however I've been told by the other vapers that that is not true. He says he's "working on" stopping, but he still sucks on the thing like fish need water. There are device pieces and liquid bottles scattered all over the house. I refuse to spend anytime in my living room because I don't want to gag on the fog.
I've done everything short of throwing his device out of a moving vehicle to stop him from starting an addiction and despite the fact that he claims he's not addicted I know he is. I just feel like I am loosing my husband to this. The only thing I can get him to agree to is that should we finally have a child he will stop. But I fear by the time that happens he will be to far addicted and I will not raise my baby in a smoking house. Does anyone have advice for me?