Is it normal for me to dislike my own country and love another?

For a year or so now I've been seriously anti-patriotic about my own country. I was born and raised in the UK and currently living in London.

I don't know if its a mix of my parents ranting and raving about politics or immigration or the economy etc. that's made me negatively opinionated or just my own thoughts but I am seriously considering studying in another country and then planning on living there afterwards, learning the language and 'melding in' with the people there.

I spend a lot of my time on the internet talking to people who I've met though different interests or though gaming and the majority have been Scandinavian / Dutch or around that general area.

I don't know what it is about these places but I feel affiliated to them for no real reason. Most notably Sweden and Norway. I love the landscape, the languages (I'm currently learning both, along with Japanese), I also listen to mainly Scandinavian music (Mainly Rock, Metal, Dance etc)along with listening to Swedish radio stations via the internet on a daily basis.

I guess I just find the UK incredibly boring, from what I'm hearing from my parents and other family members finding a decent job is hard and cost of living is high. I have a passion for snowboarding and skiing but have only ever been able to go to dry ski slopes around London. I just get the feeling that there's nothing for me to do here.

I've had a plan for quite a while now to Study and then live in Sweden, and work in Sweden or Norway. I don't know really why I love these places so much, but anyone who I've spoken to has been really nice and interesting and outgoing, whereas here in the UK i've had issues with 'Chavs' in the past.

Sorry for the super long post.

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86% Normal
Based on 80 votes (69 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • iEatZombies_

    I'm from US, I've always liked Norway, myself. Seems like lots of interesting people are from there. Don't get me wrong, US is nice n stuff, I just think another country may be better suited for my lifestyle. Who am I kiddin, this place sucks unless you have money. Ha.

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  • imadragon

    Well, Sweden welcomes you. If you don't want to live in the UK and live somewhere else, just move. We have many immigrants in Sweden and a lot of people would be excited by an englishman!

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  • Maecenas23

    I'm from Ukraine and I would be happy to exchange with you :(

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  • Shackleford96

    I watched the Swedish version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" some time ago, and for some reason I really enjoyed the language. Maybe it could have been the actors specifically, but I just found it really soothing to listen to. I hope to explore this interest more some time in the future.

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  • Ono

    Its fairly normal to have a 'grass is greener' view on things. There's probably some guy called Lars Larson thinking how much he'd like to move to the UK because Norway is so boring.

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  • kingsleycrowne

    I'm from Australia and I visited Europe a couple years back. Hated the UK. Found it bleak, boring overcrowded and dirty. Nothing wrong with finding a new home maybe in time your views will change about your home country.

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    • Seri

      Thats basically the UK in a nutshell, Gray, Gloomy, Dirty, etc

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  • Painfulnote

    No,it is not normal,and Sweden is worst place on earth,
    it's booring that you might actually die there.

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  • NeuroNeptunian


    I went to high school with a ton of weeaboos that were like "KONICHIWA BAKA I WANT TO MOVE TO JAPAN AMERICANS DON'T UNDERSTAND ME I LOVE JAPANESE CULTURE". I kept wanting to tell them that there is a reason that the suicide rates in Japan are so high but they'd have never listened.

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    • Seri

      I assume these people watch one series of Naruto (aka tard in a orange jumpsuit) and assume that there part Japanese.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Yes, they were all Narutards.

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  • pastor_of_muppets

    I live in Cape Town, South Africa. I miss Norway and wish to go back someday.
    I have been to the UK and, I don't mean to offend anyone, that place is so dirty and ugly.
    I would gladly live in New Zealand too.

    If you take Stone Henge, New Zealand's valleys and Cape Town's essence; shove it into Norway, and put Norway on the moon...THAT would be the best place ever

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  • Aewe101

    I'm from the U.S I don't hate this place, I mean its ok but i would only ever live in Chicago iL or California . If I moved out of state I would rather live in Australia, it's been my dream to atlest visit Australia since I was 12 years old :(

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  • freeasair

    Yes. I'm from the UK too, but I spend all my time reading and thinking about living in Australia one day =)

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