Is it normal for me to fear for the future

There are many disturbing visions of our future written down in books and shown in movies.
When we think of such dystopic foresights such as the once pictured in "The Matrix" aswell as "Soylent Green" etc. etc. we shrug and believe : It will never happen.
Yet, these days there is a gloomy shadow hanging over my head and thoughts.
Our government is supposed to represent us the people (given we live in a democracy), but that thought has long been poisoned.
I feel like the government seems to be more interested in making personally more money, being blackmailed by the industry, who found a way of increasing their profits, by completely cutting out all humanity that their mechanic souls had left.
There had been cases in the past before, where a government descided for a cause of action that would harm their citicienz.
But the way I feel what is happening at the moment, it seems we have reached the point of no return, finally signing away our every human rights.
What is worse, is that we only found the capability to fight this inhumanity by writting angry posts on the internet eventhough we know exactly that such actions are too feeble. Especially since this free forum known as the internet is being put into shackles as we speak.
Is It Normal to believe that we are falling for the self fulfilling prophecy of a dystopic future?
Is It Normal to feel completely enslaved ?
Is It Normal that I want to get more active but am scared that I can't change anything?

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 62 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Downcast7

    90% of my days is worrying of the future and it gets in the way of me as a person. Should I be to my best potential even though I worry i might die tommorow? Stuff like that an onward. Just speaking my mind to relate.

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  • Glass

    If you're talking about the US, it's a democratic republic. Not a democracy. Anyway, it seems the more I find out about this countrie's activities the more I feel like leaving when I can before something prevents me from doing so. Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but I've never heard of stuff like SOPA, NDAA, PCIP in other countries like Canada, Australia or the UK. Nor do I hear about them getting into a pointless ten year war to kill a terrorist "mastermind".

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    • That_Dude999

      SOPA and the likes are supposed to be introduced in Europe at the moment under the name of ACTA.
      It is hanging by a thread at the moment if or if not it will be introduced.
      When I said "democracy" I was trying to sum up the overall democratic tendencies of Western European countries as well as America.

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      • Glass

        I remember ACTA now, I think it needed a certain amount of countries to agree on it to put it in effect since it's a "treaty" or something like that. I remember somewhere that some agreements on it were supposadly done in secret, giving people no say in any of it.

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  • thoughtfulopt29

    its normal to be scared of the unknown thats like the main reason we fear anything like being scared of the dark which is really being scared of what COULD be in the dark because we dont know.

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