Is it normal for me to have such a weird habit?
let me start this off by giving a little back ground info, i'm a 22 year old with extreme health problems. i have sever anxiety, depression, bi polar, and PTSD. i also have a mystery chronic pain problem that my drs believe to be MS. this odd habit started when i was around 4 or 5. when one highly abusive step dad started to disappear and new one appeared. i have an odd habit of pinching my neck. i do this with the side of my finger and my nail. i used to only do it when i was nervous, or my anxiety is high. now i do it all the time, even when i don't notice. i have done it so often that i have huge bruises on my neck that never goes away. everyone asks me if i've been strangled. my mom thinks i may need to bring it up to my drs in case it helps them figure things out, however i'm worried they will say i'm self harming and send me away.