Is it normal for me to have such a weird habit?

let me start this off by giving a little back ground info, i'm a 22 year old with extreme health problems. i have sever anxiety, depression, bi polar, and PTSD. i also have a mystery chronic pain problem that my drs believe to be MS. this odd habit started when i was around 4 or 5. when one highly abusive step dad started to disappear and new one appeared. i have an odd habit of pinching my neck. i do this with the side of my finger and my nail. i used to only do it when i was nervous, or my anxiety is high. now i do it all the time, even when i don't notice. i have done it so often that i have huge bruises on my neck that never goes away. everyone asks me if i've been strangled. my mom thinks i may need to bring it up to my drs in case it helps them figure things out, however i'm worried they will say i'm self harming and send me away.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Mario214

    I have read about it. I am not sure but it is because of endorphin addiction. It's completely different from self harm. New studies have suggested that people cause pain to themselves because it releases endorphin in brain which provides a seance of satisfaction (it is the same reason for some people to love spicy food).
    As you ssaid that you developed this habit of pinching your neck because of stress so this might be an explanation.
    Doctors will not diagnose you as self harming patient because of this study.
    I suggest you to explain everything to doctors as you did here.
    I wish you the best.

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    • devngelharley

      Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it

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  • Ellenna

    Your doctors must be very unobservant not to have noticed this but yes, of course you should tell them: what's the point of keeping such important information from them?

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    • devngelharley

      I used to never think it mattered enough to tell them. Now everyone says I should, I just don't know if they would try sending me off to a mental hospital for self harming. That's not at all what I am trying to do.

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      • CountessDouche

        They won't. Mental health professionals only commit people in very extreme circumstances. You'd have to be an imminent threat to yourself or others (as in attempted suicide, or expressing deliberate and concrete plans to harm another person). Something like pinching yourself would absolutely not result in you being sectioned, and even if you were, it would only be a temporary hold for 72 hours max (in the US), but that won't happen for something so benign- it's honestly probably an anxious tick rather than a self harm attempt.

        You should absolutely tell your dr. It's important to be transparent and honest if you want the best help available for your problems. I'm sure it's scary, but it will ultimately help you deal with your behavior. You shouldn't be nervous. You won't get locked up for communicating honestly, as weird as they may seem to you. Doing so is brave, and it's a first step towards happiness- probably the most difficult step, but it'll be worth it. Asking for help sucks, but it's better than having your disorders fuck up your life indefinitely.

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        • devngelharley

          Thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it

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  • Raner

    Oh and furthermore, "mental health professionals" are about as professional chiropractors. Their practices are based off of nonsense. There's absolutely zero evidence that anything changes chemically in the brain when people have these so called disorders. Then they just mask symptoms with dangerous drugs. Likewise, chiropractors are pretty much voodoo doctors. Their entire practice came about in a very similar way to mormonism. Seriously look it up. It's a joke. (Just wanted to clarify my comparison)

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  • Raner

    You need to change your diet to mostly raw vegetables, nuts, fruit, and meat in that order.

    Get some exercise, start by walking or stretching/yoga.

    Listen to some alan watts.

    Chill the fuck out.

    I went through debilitating anxiety for years. Now I'm totally fine. I did that things above, plus a lot of studying on natural cures.

    The doctors made it worse and anyone I talked to made it worse because nobody can understand unless you've loved through it.

    Do these things and your life will be better.

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  • devonsweeneysGF

    Sorry Dude, some people get lucky in life and some don't.

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