Is it normal for me to pee into bottles regularly?

I am male who pees frequently (atleast 12+ times a day), I don't know why since I haven't been to a doctor or urologist in a while. As a result, I even choose to not drink water for prolonged periods. This doesn't help that much either however because I will still need to pee albeit with very limited volume (makes it difficult). My family (3 sisters, M+D) is aware of this. I can consistently fill a 1 L bottle every day. When my bottle is full I will usually take it to the bathroom, pee there and empty the bottle, then dry the cap area. Once in a while, I pour some rubbing alcohol to remove the odour. I began doing this consistently after I found a bottle that has a nozzle wide enough that peeing into it is convenient. Before, I had been doing this on and off depending on if it was convenient to continue at the time. I have been doing this with my current bottle for about a month now. My family has no pressing concerns, they find it disgusting but all they ask is that I empty the bottles every so often whenever they enter my room.

Not normal, even under the circumstances. 11
Normal under the circumstances. 6
Please see a doctor. 10
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Comments ( 37 )
  • SwickDinging

    What does you needing to pee a lot have to do with you peeing into a bottle? Why can't you use a toilet?

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    • 5555Fives

      After a certain threshold, it gets really annoying and inconvenient, I would often have to pee back to back every 10 minutes if I had consumed a lot of water.

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      • SwickDinging

        I've been heavily pregnant and needed to pee all the time. 10 minutes would be a long stretch. I still managed to go to the toilet every time.

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        • 5555Fives

          Understandable, however, you did this knowing that eventually after your pregnancy going to the toilet would be just like normal. This is not the case for me and there is no end in sight.

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          • SwickDinging

            There would be an end if you just went to the doctor. You are choosing not to do this. You are also choosing to pee in bottles instead of into the toilet.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Only normal if you are stuck in traffic. Stop doing that if you have access to toilets.

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  • freelarking

    There's a 100% chance you pee on your hands and the bottle and your room every time.

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    • 5555Fives

      For hands, it's about a 33% chance and peeing onto the bottle's outside or onto the floor is about 10% (higher if im erect). I've done it so often that it's not difficult to avoid it.

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  • have_a_good_day

    nigga you should sell yo piss in da hood fo da niggas who have to do a drug test at work whilst fucked on heroin. you can make tons of money we can rob you of later.
    think big and start a supply chain of piss.

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    • RoseIsabella

      ROTFLMAO! 🤣

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    • 5555Fives

      Reasonable advice, unfortunately, I don't know anyone who is trying to fake their drug tests currently.

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  • litelander8

    I also have an “overactive bladder”. I use the fucking toilet. Unless I’m can’t get to a bathroom, I’ll piss outside anytime I need to.

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    • 5555Fives

      Do you also wake up 2-3 times at night?

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  • BlackCandle

    It could be a symptom. The frequent urination. When you can dude see a doctor. Otherwise, seriously, try and be clean and all that. You really don't want a UTI.

    It's interesting how put off people are. Here I am sympathising. Relating. I have been in a similar situation. Bottles and all. Convenience and all. It was more of laziness. Or maybe it was something else. I didn't want to get out of my room constantly just to pee. Eventually I got UTI. It was definitely not from sex.

    Anyways, yeah, be careful. How about a bucket or something? Something that won't have you making a mess and rubbing your Dick against it.

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  • BlackCandle

    Be careful not to get UTIs. The tip of your dick getting in contact with the top of the bottle. Especially if you don't often clean the bottle. A UTI on top of your current situation would be hell.

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    • 5555Fives

      Oh it is, trust me. Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

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  • raisinbran

    Tie your dick in a knot.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Wretchedly disgusting is the soul who regularly pees in a bottle.

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    • 5555Fives

      C'mon dude, a bit harsh?

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      • raisinbran

        I went camping recently and peed in one of those pee containers, dumped it in the bushes. Wasn't a big deal.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'll admit to occasionally peeing in a bottle when stuck in traffic. But, that's perhaps once every other or every 3rd year.

    My rate of peeing has gone up as well from when I was younger. I use the bathroom unless I'm hiking or camping, or designated peeing areas in some foreign countries (that do not have normal toilets).

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  • COVID-19

    12+ times a day... Bitch please stop lying.

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    • 5555Fives

      Every night, I have to wake up at least 2-3 times to pee. This is even after I have peed immediately before going to bed, this used to never be the case but something changed.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Not necessarily a lie. This does occur with some people.

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      • SwickDinging

        I have always woken up in the night to pee. Anything between 1-3 times is normal for me. There is no medical reason for it. I just get thirsty in the night so I drink lots of water and end up needing to pee

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        • 5555Fives

          The thing is, I purposefully avoid drinking water at night for this reason, even if I am uncomfortably thirsty. This makes me extremely thirsty in the morning but I still have to pee.

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  • Bluishorange

    If it is truly a matter of convenience then stop being so lazy. Seriously, the levels of laziness we as a species can think of is grossly offensive to the world at large. Don't shit where you eat, don't pee either. Go to a doctor. Just because your family tolerate it does not make it okay.

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  • 5555Fives

    You are technically correct, if I do it incorrectly I can get a moderately painful UTI that lasts for a day or two, but its a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

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  • SherlockHolmes

    That sounds more like a fetish thing. Have you ever thought of that?

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    • 5555Fives

      No not really, I mostly do it because its convenient. For example, since I my school doesn't require us to show our faces, I just pee in the bottle whenever I need to relieve myself but not leave the room. It mostly came out of how annoying going to the bathroom became because I had to keep going dozens and dozens of times a day.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        So you carry the bottle of urine around with you?

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        • 5555Fives

          I'm referring to online learning, when I am outside, I still use the bathroom.

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        • 5555Fives

          No, I keep one in my room, I don't take them outside it ever (except to empty them) because that too weird. When I'm outside, having to go to the bathroom frequently is always my number 1 concern, specifically if it is not convenient to go often.

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          • SkullsNRoses

            You should definitely see a doctor, this isn’t normal at all. Perhaps you have a urinary tract infection?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    its the waya the road bubs

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  • Somenormie

    Dude what is wrong with you?

    Unless you're going for a long drive or walk then I would've deemed it as normal.

    But in that?

    Hell no.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Do you think OP goes for walks, and just whizzes in a bottle simultaneously as he's walking down the street?

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