Is it normal for my 3 year old to be afraid of trash cans?

Yesterday, My son and I went walking up and down our street. When turned a corner, my son saw a trash can, screamed, and started to cry. I picked him up and asked what was wrong and he pointed at the trash can....

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Teh4HorsMen

    I'm more afraid of bat-cans.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal for children to be randomly scared of things. As charli.m said, there could be many factors attributing to this.

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  • charli.m

    Kids get scared of lots of things for various reasons. It could be a sound, a smell, an association. Don't push him, he'll get over it in his own time. Just be neutral or positive around his fears and he'll get over it.

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    • *LilMissLovely*

      Oh! Thanks. Hopefully, he'll get over this fear quickly..

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      • Terence_the_viking

        My son was scared of carrier bags he didn't like the way they sounded and could change shape.

        He's 4 now and he is scared of pussy willows hehe.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    U should hide in a trash can and jump out yelling "boo!" And then laugh About. It maybe it will make him see how dumb it is

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  • is a trash can one of those Tin things with a lid you see on american tv shows, we don't have them but i guess its normal not for a kid where i come from but i guess amerian
    kids are more sensitive towards those things but i guess
    kids when i was growing up had to deal with having the windows smashed, being intimidated from your home, fires being set in the street, army and tanks on the streets, people running around with guns, and having a bullet thrown through the window but i guess a bin is scary in your country your kid is 3 put on a cartoon and he will prob find one thing in it that scares him hope your kid had got over being scared of a wee bin.

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  • x1frosty16

    He might've seen something you didn't. My kids are terrified of the drain to tub. lol

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    • charli.m

      Most kids are. It's a huge noise and it rapidly sucks all the water away into the dark. Pretty good reasons, really.

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