Is it normal for my arm to still hurt after a vaccine
got a vaccine around 36 hours ago and my arm still hurts where they injected it. this hasn't happened with any other vaccines i've had.
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got a vaccine around 36 hours ago and my arm still hurts where they injected it. this hasn't happened with any other vaccines i've had.
It happens with some. I've had vaccines that stop being sore a couple hours later, I've had some that are sore for days. I don't know if it's because of the vaccine itself or the nurse doing it, but keep your arm moving and it'll be over in no time.
Some vaccines are especially bad for leaving you sore. Whooping cough can fuck your arm for over a week.
How does penicillin rank on there? Feels like peanut butter is getting boosted in your asscheek. Then it's a hard lump/bruise for two days.
Naw you going to die.
Oh geez someone just injected my arm made from the greatest scientific advances in virology and medicine. It feels weird I guess I'm abnormal.
The only very rare side effect that could happen is an anaphylactic shock and at that point where it could happen you are already in a medical sourced environment.
From what I've read on the Mayo website you gotta keep your arm moving and drink electrolytes. My parents drank a ton of Gatorade when they got theirs and they're fine.
I got my first covid vaccine a week ago courtesy of my job. For four days my arm had that annoying soreness I'd normally get from doing an intense workout. You're normal.