Is it normal for my body to hurt the next day after eating fast food?

If I eat healthy all day then the next day I wake up feeling good. But if the day before I ate junk food I wake up tired and my body aches. Is it in my head or is it normal?

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92% Normal
Based on 12 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • MilitaryMedic

    Your body is struggling to process all the additives in fast food. Large amounts of sugar, salt/MSG, and fats are hard to digest under normal circumstances.
    Your body already answered your question by setting off these “alarms”.
    I need to add that if you are young and in good health, this is normal. If you are older or in poor health, this could be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as high blood pressure/hypertension etc. If the latter is the case, see your doctor soon. Either way, eat healthy and you’ll keep your body happy.

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  • Justmehere

    Avoid that crap..You're body is telling you..This is fatty, greasy poison and keep it out of me. I give in maybe once a year (if that), and know..Better be home when I have it, as the bathroom is close by. Kills my stomach. Especially Arby's.

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  • Ratmanknowsall

    Who knows? Could be a cleanliness issue at that fast food joint. Some are known to be a haven for rodents. Could be just a matter of needing to take a good old healthy dump. A person's backed up internal plumbing is sure to put a damper on that person's day. Cut out fast food. Eating healthy is much cheaper anyway.

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