Is it normal for my boyfriend to not like dance?

I am girl that lives and breathes dancing.I've been with my boyfriend for more than a year now and completely adore him. Unfortunately he has a fear of dancing. Every time I try to encourage him to dance with me he comes up with an excuse not to,for example, "I don't like the music." It's getting frustrating and I try to be understanding but I don't want to be with man who won't dance with me. What do I do?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • 123Blahblahblah

    Umm how about listen to him. I am a guy and i really hate dancing to.
    if he is like me it just makes him embarrassed, uncomfortable and nervous, so why make him do it?

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  • sportsmom

    Find someone who has that same interest If it means so much to you or you will just be miserable.

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  • soccer1122

    sure dont tell a guy what to do but, i really want my bf to slow dance with me what do i do..?

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  • Allot of Mans don't like to dance and you shouldn't make him because he might leave you.

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  • elephantface

    Yes it's normal. I despise dancing and most music as well. Please don't think I'm weird for not liking music

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  • deedee18

    My Boyfriend Doesn't dance It bothers me because I love to dance and he doesn't at all. I hate that. I dont know what to do. I will be going to homecomming soon and need advice. i dont want him to get mad if i dance with my other friends. When i go to school dances i dance alot . idk wht to do HELp!

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  • Proudfear

    neither do i, dont try to force him, if you really want him to you can try to teach him to dance bt if he shows no desire just give up

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  • TheGuyWhoLovesSpicyStuff

    Yeah, its normal. I am a guy too and I cant dance so i really just dont go out and dance since i will get embarrassed :P just go easy on him he still loves you its just not his thing :D

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  • bowsider

    I'm a guy and I hate dancing. I get no pleasure from doing it, so I don't. Life's too short to spend time doing things you don't like.

    Like 'mtnw' says try talking to him. Is it a confidence thing or does he simply not like it? Let him know how you feel about it. Communication is key in relationships. Is there something that he does that you could try in return for him trying dancing lessons?

    If he won't dance then it's not the end of the world as it's healthy to have different intrests.

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  • mtnw

    talk to him and see if he really doesn't want to dance, or feels he's a bad dancer.

    if he wants to dance, but feels he doesn't dance well, then sign the two of you up for a class. you pay, of course.

    if he just doesn't want to dance, then let it go at that.

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  • it's-raining-men

    Neither me or my man like dancing, it's never something either of us have been amazing at, I don't make him, and he doesn't make me. You're boyfriend knows you'll show him up, and doesn't want to embarrass him self in front of the his lady. No worries- it's a guy thing I think :)

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  • weshitude

    maybe he just doesn't like dancing or he really sucks ! either way u shouldn't force him to do something he obviously doesn't wanna do

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  • sheyne8203

    Yeah, it might be good to find out why he doesn't like dancing or if he's just embarrassed to look "silly" in front of you. Encouragement is a great thing, and if you tell him a man who can dance with his woman is a great turn on for her, maybe he'd give it a try.

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