Is it normal for my cat to do this?

SO my cat is two years old as of august 12th, and we got him from a shelter in march. He was sick when we got him though he is better now. About 3-4 times a day, he will start to lay with his paws bent a weird way and then his tail will wag quite fast. Then he will start looking around frantically and then meow as if he was crying and then run up and down the hallway. I know its normal for them to run but all of the other things don't make sense. When we try to touch him lightly to calm him down he will bite and scratch us. He never shows affection by licking he just occasionally cuddles while hes sleeping. He is a good cat overall, he listens to the word no, doesn't destroy things or jump on things. Whats wrong with him?

Not normal at all 2
Your cat is not well and needs to see a vet 4
somethings wrong with him, see a vet NOW 3
Yes its totally normal 9
Yes it's normal but see a vet 10
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Comments ( 6 )
  • FeralDefiance

    Take him to the vet to check for anything out of line, as, if they are seizures (which can be hard to recognize), that can be extremely serious. Most likely, though, he's just an anxious cat with a bit of feral/bad previous owner ptsd. Work with him slowly to get him more used to being in a new environment. If he's already cuddling at night, you're definitely on the right track. Don't worry about him not licking; that's somewhat uncommon in cats as a regular sign of affection.

    First things first, though: Get a vet to check him out.

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  • Sarahjaynegurl

    Is it possible the cat is having seizures?

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  • You should really see a vet for professional help. Good luck and give the cutie kisses from me. xx

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  • Ellenna

    PTSD doesn't cause seizures in humans, so why would it do so in dogs? Your dog has epilepsy which I'm hoping is being propely treated?

    Anyway your post is totally irrelevant, given OP is asking about his cat, which hopefully is not being fed dog food, none of which is appropriate for cats if you mean tinned crap

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    • Allison_Simmons

      He eats a mix of wiscas chicken desert with the royal canin oral. Both are for cats. He doesnt have seizures thank the lord but he does spaz around and get affriad of everything and anyone after he chills for a few moments. I never thought of ptsd, i mean i have anxiety and memories of bad things and i get scared of things but not to his extent. I just hate to see him like this and i wanna help him as much as possible.

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  • _Jesus_

    I think he has PTSD. I have a dog that gets really terrible epileptic fits because of her PTSD. Or at least I think it might be due to that. Could also be because dogfood has corn in it and some dogs and cats can't handle that

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