Is it normal for my dad to be against religion? what should i do?

So my dad is really against religion. (I still live with my parents, and am taking college classes.) Me and my mother were out garage sailing (something we both enjoy) and I came across some handmade rosary necklaces. One stood out, because there was a blue pearl thing attached in the center, and I instantly fell in love with it. But in the car, my mother told me not to let my dad see it or he will be pissed that I bought it. What to do? IIN?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • dom180

    Am I missing something? It's just a lovely necklace, why does that have to have anything to do with religion? :/

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Rosaries are pretty exclusive to Catholicism. Catholics use them as prayer relics.

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      • dom180

        Ah, now I read it that seems obvious but it went over my head somehow. Thanks :P

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  • Tommythecat.

    But you can still enjoy it for its beauty, it doesn't have to be a religious drama.

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    • Tommythecat.

      But then again, I asked god for help and Ive been doing better in the last few days than I have for years!

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's normal to have an issue with religion, it sucks that your Dad is a dick about it.

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  • q25t

    Unless your dad's a major dick, I doubt this is really even an issue. He likely has a problem with religion, not religious paraphernalia. If you just like it because it's beautiful, I doubt anyone would take issue with that.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I am curious as to how you found religion if it was not your parents. I would ignore him until you can move though. Some people are just not very open minded about other peoples belief and if you are not with them you are against them. Not a lot you can do. Some people are just dicks and its harder when its your parents.

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  • SHAKEStheClown

    Don't make a big deal about it, but if you're really disturbed pray; that's what the beads are for.

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  • Dad

    I relate moreso to your Dad.

    Belief in god (any god) is not a reasonable decision any longer. It is not an opinion or choice.

    Atheists aren't going to hell, nor are Christians going to Islam hell.
    Science has informed us that everything has happened naturally and there are many (really millions) of facts on the matter. So far there is not one shred of evidence on any god. Which god belief is your one by the way?

    You can certainly buy jewellery that appeals to you, but just as your 'Dad' is on this, if you bought it because of your 'belief' then you are mistaken, and I would react similar to him.

    I feel that BOTH sides of this topic should be able to give their opinion on the matter.

    It IS normal that your Dad is against religion VERY normal.

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    • DolphinAngel

      There is a mathematic proof that there is a being which combines every positive trait on itself which you could consider being an evidence for something we might call "God"...

      Being an agnostic atheist myself I can understand the opinion of her dad but nevertheless I don't see anything wrong with belief itself whilst I despise the church and all major religions...

      However, I cannot see why the connection of a necklace to religion should be a problem to the extent not to wear it anymore...

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Yes I am sure you would rather have this poor fellow falling at your feet instead right? Since you think you are god and you can dictate other peoples beliefs? You're a moron and an ignorant dickhead. Leave the poor guy alone. Its his choice not yours. That is like being angry someone chooses not to eat meat.

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        • DolphinAngel

          I'm not god, at least not yet...

          KIRA is on the case!

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          • RomeoDeMontague

            Well I think Kira is a Demi god. I dont think he counts as one of the officiol death gods. Also I think I meant to direct this comment at the person above you sorry.

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            • DolphinAngel

              Oh yeah, that makes sense because I couldn't figure out why you'd reply to me like that so I just trolled a little bit

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            • Dad

              Well to reply back to you (since I have only just learned of your reply (originally meant for me).

              You said, "Its his choice not yours."
              I specifically stated (in the comment you meant to reply to), "It is not an opinion or choice".

              There is NO choice in the matter, none.
              To choose a belief in a 'God' (as defined by any religious differences) is just ignorant or stupid.
              This is not my opinion, just a fact. There is zero evidence of any God.

              And just for your benefit, since humans have only been around for 200K years, in our 13.81 Billion year old universe, you'd think someone would have seen a ghost dinosaur or even a ghost planet by now. So far, no ghosts, nor spirits, nor gods, nor any other ridiculous supernatural in our fully natural universe.

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      • Dad

        Science uses mathematics to help define the universe.
        So far I'm not aware of any 'mathematical proof' in a god??

        Those types of comments (you just made) are the classic believers debates where they use positive words such as knowledge in god, when its actually the opposite.

        Religion is its own undoing, there is no need for me or anyone else to debate one ridiculous belief point at a time.
        God belief and religion itself will be laughed out of this world soon.
        Some (believers) say that will never happen) Um, yes it will. We already know the truth.
        Try looking it up. Belief in God? Mythical religious fiction.

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        • DolphinAngel

          I for myself do not believe in "God" or any omniscient/omnipotent being of any kind...

          I just read about this mathematic, pure logical proof of a being that combines all good aspects in itself which would be equal to our image of a "God"

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    • IncludedSos

      I agree with DolphinAngel. I'm an agnostic theist (go figure) and i think that everyone should be able to believe what they want. If someone just made up a religion and started worshipping toothpicks, who cares?
      However, I also agree with you because i thinks it's perfectly normal for his dad to have that preference as is with anybody and any preference.

      Except preferences that hurt people....

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      • Dad

        Hi IncludeedSos,

        I just replied to him above (so thanks for your comment otherwise I would have never known that he was originally replying to me).

        Anyway, NO we shouldn't just be allowed to believe in what we want. We should only know the truth.

        The problem with believing in something without any evidence is religion.
        The problem with religion is death destruction, ignorance and people wasting their life (and usually trying to effect others at the same time).

        There is no good Christian, only helpful foolish people.
        Thankfully it is clearly seen these days that atheists also donate and help others, even without the reward of any God.

        Religion is wrong and destructive. Belief in something that is not true can easily (and has been time and time again) destructive.

        Live life to the fullest, and tell people the truth ;)

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  • Stand your ground, don't let your dad force you to believe in something you don't. Hang in there.

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  • Creativeusername29

    Was your dad raised catholic ?

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    • TwihardedDirectioner

      Actually, he was raised Christian, but has turned against religion because he saw to many errors in it.

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