Is it normal for my dog and cats to fight like cats and dogs?

My cats have to stay at my dad's now even though it's next door to my mom's and the dog is here. She's a corgi and not really very intimidating though she seems to piss off/frighten other dogs. Today she walked over to the cats and everything was all good then randomly the cats started lashing out at her and one of the cats started freaking out and being like "mew mew mew mew" like a cry. (she's now Crybaby Jane instead of Carma Jane) what was going on?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • genro

    My cat used to get very annoyed with my dog...he would always want to play or antagonize her and she would just him have it and basically beat him She was 20 in people years and he is about 10 but with the spirit of a puppy, about 6 months ago she was getting ready to die, she would just lay in one spot not move or when she get up she would fall. My dog never left her side through the whole ordeal. He would lick to wash her and cuddle right next to her (he is a dauchaund) and never left her. It was the neatest thing to watch these "enemies" show this much love. So we put her down and the dog I swear went through mourning it was like he knew, he would go to her favorite spot and just cuddle up... Now relating back to your question these two fought like cats and dogs but over the years learned to deal and respect each other.

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  • tori

    I marked it normal but not really sure since my two cats and dog get along fine. They aren't best buds but respect each others space.

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