Is it normal for my dog to twitch in her sleep
Okay So whenever my dog is sleeping she starts to twitch ALOT like she kicks and her ears and eyes twitch and her mouth starts moving and it's weird I just wanted to know if it's normal
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Okay So whenever my dog is sleeping she starts to twitch ALOT like she kicks and her ears and eyes twitch and her mouth starts moving and it's weird I just wanted to know if it's normal
My dog does that too. It's normal. They probably are just dreaming. My dog makes noises too.
they're probably dreaming. my dog does that too. she barks in her sleep lol
My dog is funny when she sleeps she whines barks twitches and moves her legs as if she is running :)
Doggie dreams are great. My dog barks, growls and even wags her tail whilst asleep.