Is it normal for my half-brother to be attracted to me
This is a bit messed up... me and my half siblings weren't allowed to be in contact until I became an adult due to family issues...
I only really started to be in contact with them when I was 20 (I'm 21 now) my boyfriend helped me reach out to them and we all got along okay until my boyfriend cheated on me with another guy. I went straight to my half-siblings for support because i had no one else in my life.
I did take my boyfriend back and my half-brother has never supported that decision. He wants me to leave him. My boyfriend kept saying that my brother is attracted to me and I didn't think he was even though he was sending me weird and slightly pervy messages..
I didn't speak to him for a bit because of all the drama he was causing on social media about my boyfriend but we spoke a bit last night and he commented on some of my pictures on social media (I'm a bellydancer so some of my photos are kind of revealing...
Then he sent me a dick pic and said that he has a crush on me...and he said that he wanted to do stuff to me...
I don't know what to do... please help me