Is it normal for my husband to purchase items and never use them?

My husband makes rather large purchases and does not like any one to use the items. Here are some examples, an ATV, a tractor, many guns, and bows. Not only can nobody use the items, he does not use the items. They sit and nobody enjoys them. I am at wits end with him. He polishes them and that is it. I could really use the tractor in the winter. We use a snow blower. The drive is 300 feet long. If any one wants to use the items, he blows up. Our house is like his perfect palace. If any one spills milk he gets angry. He does not get physical, but he goes crazy cleaning it up. Nothing can be out of place. We have 2 teen age children. I tell him he needs a therapist and he tells me he is fine. Is he normal? I think not. He will be reading the replies.

Voting Results
25% Normal
Based on 48 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • joybird

    Sounds very strange to me. There are obviously better things to be spending the money on. Maybe you should take charge of the finances.

    BTW I hope you're living mortgage free so that he's squandering 'spare' cash. Needs to get his priorities right!

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  • Anon9375

    That's definitely not normal. He needs to enjoy life not keep it all packed away like a trophy.

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  • poon_jabber

    you husband is a PRICK. Divorce his ass and take half of his hoarded items.

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  • stubby007

    Damn your man has issues. I get the buying and hoarding no problem, comfort trophy greed I get it, but I bet his birthday is in August ( Virgo :perfectionist) I used to be a bit like that but now I've learned to relax and take life less seriously milks spilt it's not a flood, sounds like he's got some changing to do needs to relax more not, not care just calm it down a bit, once he's used his new toys once he might find he wants to use them again

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    " If any one spills milk he gets angry. He does not get physical, but he goes crazy cleaning it up."

    I'd consider marriage counseling. It sounds like he has control issues.

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    • cgibso12

      He will have no part in therapy. That is the reason why I am in the process of going back to college, changing my career, and getting a new life. Pay attention husbands because most woman will not put up with the BS. They will find a way to get out. It is a matter of time. I am hoping he changes when I make the money. I doubt it.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        you can still get marriage counseling without him. it's not going to be the first time someone's gone to them for help with a partner who is reluctant.

        As for when you make the money - i would suggest keeping it in your own account.

        and remember, if he thinks you're doing all of this just to leave him do not be surprised if there's an increase of control out breaks

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  • Sweetz

    What a hoarder

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  • suckonthis9

    It is normal for MOST OF US to buy things we don't use, ONCE IN A WHILE, not all the time.
    It is a waste of valuable resources to not use these items and it is greedy not to share them.

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  • kyanviado

    Buying things as trophies I understand but normal no. My father brother a 4wd and it just stayed in the garage for 4 years before he sold it. Spilling the milk happens nothing to get angry over its already on the floor. Keeping everything in its place sounds like a perfectionist. Life too short to get upset about everything.

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