Is it normal for my husband to purchase items and never use them?
My husband makes rather large purchases and does not like any one to use the items. Here are some examples, an ATV, a tractor, many guns, and bows. Not only can nobody use the items, he does not use the items. They sit and nobody enjoys them. I am at wits end with him. He polishes them and that is it. I could really use the tractor in the winter. We use a snow blower. The drive is 300 feet long. If any one wants to use the items, he blows up. Our house is like his perfect palace. If any one spills milk he gets angry. He does not get physical, but he goes crazy cleaning it up. Nothing can be out of place. We have 2 teen age children. I tell him he needs a therapist and he tells me he is fine. Is he normal? I think not. He will be reading the replies.