Is it normal for my limerence to last for a year or more?

I had a really hard time breaking up with my boyfriend, and I was very sad, but I recognize that they've moved on, and i'm happy for them. However, I still have persistent thoughts about them, and quite the occasional pang in my heart.
Is limerence for such an extended time (i.e: A year) normal?

No, it is not normal for limerence to last for a year or more. 1
Yes it is normal for limerence to last this long, but for no longer 2
No, limerence should not last for over a couple months, let alone a year 1
No, limerence after a relationship is not normal at all. 1
Yes, it is normal for limerence to last this long 3
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Sanara

    I had to look it up and first thought limerence was some kind of product based on lime or lemon. I dont know if its normal

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  • Tommythecaty

    Mister you take your words and you get the hell outta here.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      be sure you lime rinse before interment

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      • Tommythecaty


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  • Idk what limerence is.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I had to look up what the word meant. Lol its normal to still have feelings for someone. Perhaps you should try dating someone else to try to forget about him?

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  • Grunewald

    If limerence is enough of an issue in your life that you know what limerence is, then yes, it's normal.

    Fellow serial limerent here, by the way.

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